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So when do Liverpool come back from their training camp?

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I'm sure that team bonding session will have helped them to get into the mentality of a shithouse, spread right down to the youth squad
I'm sure that team bonding session will have helped them to get into the mentality of a shithouse, spread right down to the youth squad
I heard it was a bit extreme :

I guess the players think they can muddle through now until Klopp gets the push. And Klopp maybe is already dreaming of taking a club undefeated through a season in Scotland.
1 win in 12

Absolutely embarrassing season.

Gutless heartless fucking arseholes.

This season will be a fucking nothing season.
Its just been a waste of your and mines effort and love.

Spineless in the cups, toothless in the league and now fizzling out of Europe.

This KLOPP vision is a fucking joke.

1 win in 12
This season is mashed now so I'm not arsed. Simply concerned about who we buy in the summer and who we shift out. More importantly, whether Klopp can turn this malaise around and learn how to beat inferior teams in this league. If this form continues until the end of the season, that's seriously worrying. As the "dip in form" becomes simply the end of a purple patch.
Oh give it a rest you sanctimonious cunt

Just because we sacked your dad after a bad season, you can't wait to kick klopp whenever you can

Hes fucked up royally in recent months, but fuck me. Try and not revel in it

I reckon one of them conspiracy threads is coming.

Redninja is Mark1975. Dun dun dunnnnnn
A proper manager lads, a proper manager.

Well, I guess he proved THAT before he came, unlike his predecessor. So the hope is that his ego will now be so appalled at what this bunch of buffoons is making him look like that there will be ruthless change in the summer. If not, of course, he'll deserve all the shite that comes his way.
I guess the players think they can muddle through now until Klopp gets the push. And Klopp maybe is already dreaming of taking a club undefeated through a season in Scotland.
Is it done? Its starting to feel like we'll be trotting out Klinsmann next week and seeing if anyone notices we've swapped Jurgens
Is it done? Its starting to feel like we'll be trotting out Klinsmann next week and seeing if anyone notices we've swapped Jurgens

I really feel tremendous cynicism about players these days. I think the majority really are so passive and diffident, they'll rouse themselves if they get on a winning run but if things go wrong, they'll just sit back and wait either for a manager to absolutely astound them with something akin to magic, or just the board to sack the manager - after which they'll put in a bit more effort if they don't object to the replacement. As soon as Ranieri was sacked I feared Leicester's players would respond as they did, and, as I said before, our squad has lost any right to be trusted, they'll always turn it on in one big game and then turn up to a struggling team with zero professionalism and fight. Is that the manager's fault? Well, it WILL be if he doesn't ship the worst ones out in the summer. But short term, no, personally, I don't know what more needs to be done to motivate players to do their job. They're obscenely well-paid, they have all kinds of benefits to play for, and they should all be driven by their own individual ambition, appetite and pride. If that isn't enough to make them ready for each match, what else is? Electrodes on the genitals at five to three? A gun to the head? As Vardy and Co showed tonight, you can have a team of champions seemingly downing tools and stubbornly heading for relegation, shaking off every supposed humiliation as they go, unless they get their way, at which point they'll suddenly snap into action. It's naive to think a bit of fist pumping from a manager will sort that rottenness out. If you're a Mourinho, you can nearly always obscure the reality by spending outrageous amounts on enough stars to set the mood, drag the rest on and get some short term success, but, as happened at Chelski, not even in those conditions can you afford to upset too many players who start slacking - just ask Hazard. The whole circus is nauseating.
A good line in one newspaper: 'Maybe taking half a season off is even more invigorating than spending a week at La Manga'.
I was stood on Oxford street a few weeks ago.
Outside Subway near Wardour St.
I looked around and Lallana, Henderson and a couple of other lads were walking up. They were dressed like utter cunts. We had just suffered another embarassing defeat (I think it was the Wolves game) they had massive smiles on their faces and they are their entourages were carrying many square selfridge/office/breitling type bags, they laughed and joked as they went up the road and into some swanky hotel restaurant. The prices were exorbitant.

Now I know they are entitled to spend their own money. And visit london. And laugh. And eat.

But im entitled to hate them and everything about them.

I remember reading once that Gazza (and yes im aware hes a shit example) would suffer from depression when he was injured. I read Hansens biography and he talked about vomiting before every match because it meant so much to him.

These cunts do not give a good fuck.
None of them. Its a job. They are ok at it, but they dont care for it.
I dont get it anymore. I really dont get football.
Fuck off, fanboy.

You're the only cunt revelling in our losses, trying to big up the useless manager that royally fucked up a title.


How am I revelling in our losses? I'm angrier about it than anyone in the match threads, but it's too easy to start with the Rodgers jibes, I haven't mentioned Rodgers once, you're the one who keeps on with this crap, so do me a favour and either shut the fuck up about it or stop replying to my posts. I'm repetitive according to you, but everytime I'm critical you come out with the same fucking tired, predictable reply.

I don't want Rodgers back and don't believe it was wrong to sack him, but some of the crap Klopp is getting away with is laughably hypocritical. Some poster spent the match thread absolving him of blame and doing his upmost to lay blame completely on the players. It sounds desperate. It's the manager, the players, the owners, everything fucking stinks. Even the fans are getting bought into the bullshit - oh we don't need a striker, you can't buy players in January, Wijnaldum has been a great signing - what a load of crap.

For the record, I was paraphrasing Redninja after his comments when Klopp took over and he'd spent the last 12 months "revelling" in our misfortune and saying he wanted the manager out a month into the new season after we'd finished 2nd. He loved rubbing it in peoples faces, how we were going to see some real success now with a real manager.

It's not looking so great is it?

I said back in Klopp's first season, during the Villareal away game, that he's too hesitant to either recognise when things are going wrong, or to recognise opportunities within games. We've watched the same sorry performance now for months and months. Park the bus and we haven't got a clue, hit us on the break and we'll ship goals. And he just stands on the touchline making all of the facial and physical responses a fan would, as though that makes it ok that he cares. Well it really doesn't, he needs to start having a rethink and showing he is thinking beyond this season, because right now it looks dead and buried in February, and that IS criminal. Why on earth he's persisting with Lucas at centre half is beyond me, when his own signing is sat on the bench. And Firmino has been garbage for a good three months, yet still strolls into the team everyweek. It's beyond comprehension and completely frustrating. He needs to buy big in the Summer, but he also needs to show he's got a bit more up his sleeve than persevering with one system, hoping that eventually it just works - we don't have the players or the edge for it to work and our season is sliding away into nothing while he watches doing nothing.
Oh give it a rest you sanctimonious cunt

Just because we sacked your dad after a bad season, you can't wait to kick klopp whenever you can

Hes fucked up royally in recent months, but fuck me. Try and not revel in it

Whatever mate, like I said to Holle, it's a cheap boring retort. Grow up.
I think oncy has nailed it with that post. Let's be honest the players were rewarded for failure. Out of all the cups? Let's go catch some rays. Fuck off. Send them to Birkenhead. The curb crawlers and needles will inject some pace and fear into them. Losing doesn't hurt when you have a 120k hitting your bank regardless. It's the only explanation you can give to this bunch of losers. Combine that with the managers hopeless tactics and you end up winning one game in 12.
How am I revelling in our losses? I'm angrier about it than anyone in the match threads, but it's too easy to start with the Rodgers jibes, so do me a favour and either shut the fuck up about it or stop replying to my posts. I'm repetitive according to you, but everytime I'm critical you come out with the same fucking tired, predictable response. Try posting something worthwhile for once in your fucking life, you tedious twat.

I don't want Rodgers back and don't believe it was wrong to sack him, but some of the shite Klopp is getting away with is laughably hypocritical. Some poster spent the match thread absolving him of blame and doing his upmost to lay blame completely on the players. It sounds desperate. It's the manager, the players, the owners, everything fucking stinks. Even the fans are getting bought into the bullshit - oh we don't need a striker, you can't buy players in January, Wijnaldum has been a great signing - what a load of crap.

For the record, I was paraphrasing Redninja after his comments when Klopp took over and he'd spent the last 12 months "revelling" in our misfortune and saying he wanted the manager out a month into the new season after we'd finished 2nd. He loved rubbing it in peoples faces, how we were going to see some real success now with a real manager.

It's not looking so great is it?

I said back in Klopp's first season, during the Villareal away game, that he's too hesitant to either recognise when things are going wrong, or to recognise opportunities within games. We've watched the same sorry performance now for months and months. Park the bus and we haven't got a clue, hit us on the break and we'll ship goals. And he just stands on the touchline making all of the facial and physical responses a fan would, as though that makes it ok that he cares. Well it really doesn't, he needs to start having a rethink and showing he is thinking beyond this season, because right now it looks dead and buried in February, and that IS criminal. Why on earth he's persisting with Lucas at centre half is beyond me, when his own signing is sat on the bench. And Firmino has been garbage for a good three months, yet still strolls into the team everyweek. It's beyond comprehension and completely frustrating. He needs to buy big in the Summer, but he also needs to show he's got a bit more up his sleeve that persevering with one system, hoping that eventually it just works - we don't have the players or the edge for it to work and our season is sliding away into nothing while he watches doing nothing.

Rodgers jibes?

You yourself bring it up every single time with your cheap shots and silly digs at our current manager. Tedious twat, my arse.

Have a word with yourself, you boring tit.

And believe me, I'd be the first to ignore you if I could - but you're a mod. God knows why.
Rodgers jibes?

You yourself bring it up every single time with your cheap shots and silly digs at our current manager. Tedious twat, my arse.

Have a word with yourself, you boring tit.

And believe me, I'd be the first to ignore you if I could - but you're a mod. God knows why.

You didn't even address any of my post. How does criticising our current manager mean I'm talking about Rodgers? They're separate entities, you're looking for something that isn't there.

Well done on not responding to the rest of my post which I'd took the time to thoroughly explain, I guess that doesn't fit your pathetic agenda though.
I blame it all purely on Lucas playing centre back. Just hate Lucas people, it's easier.

Any manager that sets a team up with a high line leaving a player of Lucas's pace to cover one of the fastest strikers on the counter deserves criticism. It was bizarre
These players just can't be trusted. They can go on and beat several top teams but we'll still know that they can slump against Boro or Watford. And not just lose but lose without any fight, any energy or any intelligence. We must bring in the kind of players who simply won't stand for that kind of mentality, the sort of players who won't hesitate to sort it out during a game. This squad are always well-prepared, regardless of what team we play. They get the same intensity of training, the same amount of bespoke tactical guidance and the same degree of motivation. But sometimes the players use it and sometimes they don't. That must drive any manager crazy, but even Klopp's patience seems to have snapped. You'd sooner trust a housefull of cats than you would this bunch of soulless sociopaths. Put all those new contracts back in the drawer.
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