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Post Match Bugsy Appreciation Thread!

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From the time Mané scored, the Everton fans were trickling away from the stadium and by the time Taylor blew the final whistle there were many empty seats.

I think this is very bad behaviour from football supporters. If you asked them, they would say they expect their players to give 100% for 90 minutes, yet as spectators they can't even keep their arse on their seats for 90 minutes, still less offer any vocal support.
I know blues who have done that earlier. Go one behind in a few minutes then decide they'd rather be in the pub.
True but loads of liverpool fans leave before the final whistle. We just battered our rivals in the derby. Surely its worth sticking round to clap them off.
It seems to be fewer are leaving early these since Klopp had his moan about it.
A lot of them are insanely bitter.

However there was a shot in the background behind Klopp towards the end of the game, we were 3-1 up at the time obv, & an Everton fan, in an Everton hat was being ribbed by a couple of reds right behind klopp, & he was laughing with them.

Doesn't happen very often now, but it does happen, & I was annoyed the cameras didn't focus on it.

I know there's decent blues and I shouldn't tar em all with the same brush but until the decent ones start standing up to be counted and stop the knobs singing all the shit that they do, then they're going to be tarred
In front of us an Everton fan, clad only in a pair of blue underpants, obtained the stewards' permission to climb over into the Main Stand and have himself photographed surrounded by Liverpool supporters. It was a cheerful touch.
In fairness the chant in the pub by Liverpool fans about Seamus Coleman that's doing the rounds is absolutely disgusting and should make any fan ashamed
Hands over their mouths,
Havent killed an Italian since 86
Haven't killed a family since 89
20 times man united

and other such gems,

Everton ,the fans, the players and the manager are a bunch of cunts, I fucking love beating them

Why would an Everton fan sing that. Jeepers.
A few thoughts - haven't read others views so apols if doubling up:

  • Sure Barkley and that fucking hack Williams were lucky, and all of that, but that's just bad refereeing for me. That's your fucking job - to apply the rules. I felt like the ref was trying to avoid the cliche of sending someone off in a derby.
  • The flipside to the international break. Lallana gets injured and we're all furious, BUT Coutinho comes back with confidence sky-high after taking the piss for Brazil, and we get the benefit. Sometimes internationals work in your favour.
  • Firmino outstanding.
  • Lucas was very good as has been mentioned. Can, Hendo, etc can all play the 'shield' role, but Lucas plays closer to the two CB's than either of them. We look immediately more solid and less liable to give away space between the lines. He doesn't have the barnstorming-option that the other two bring, but he's effectively a 3rd CB - which neither of them can bring. It'll work well in certain games.
  • Really like the look of that kid Davies for Everton. Bit of an old-school footballer about him. And a bit of cunt too. He looked to be the only one genuinely disappointed in losing. Barkley looked like he wasn't sure which pic to put on instagram to convey his disappointment.
  • State of that fucking goalkeeper. How does a top 7 or 8 side in the most expensive league in the world have that fucking kipper as their best option. It was like sticking a pair of gloves on your striker after your keeper gets sent off and you've no more subs left.
  • Bournemouth worries me. No Mane, and straight off the bat the game won't have the same intensity to it. 100% guarantee it's 0-0 at half-time after a fucking non-entity of a first half.
Barkley needs to leave Everton for the sake of his career.

Their keeper was diabolical. Live, I thought that was goal of the season by Origi, on replay all he had to do was get it on target.

I've liked the look of that Davies in other games but I thought he was a bit naff on Saturday.
Yeah but where's Barkley gonna go? If he goes to a side better than Everton he wouldn't get in the team every week.

And no side similar to Everton is able to afford the 30M+ they'd demand for him.

His best bet is to stay with Everton and just fucking improve. He's stood still for 3 years.
Yeah but where's Barkley gonna go? If he goes to a side better than Everton he wouldn't get in the team every week.

And no side similar to Everton is able to afford the 30M+ they'd demand for him.

His best bet is to stay with Everton and just fucking improve. He's stood still for 3 years.

Barkley should go abroad imo ... start again, but he comes off as a bit thick, so maybe that's a really bad idea.
Normally you'd say that a club like Everton is perfect for a player like him because they want to play good football but have to develop players instead of buying ready made.

Unless there are off the field issues or some pressures relating to being homegrown it's hard to see him finding anywhere better.
A lot of good performances all round the pitch, Coutinho being the standout, but a few others not far behind. I think we look great with a proper DM, and the last few games we've played with one. Hopefully Klopp will buy one in the summer.
As for Everton, they're much better under Koeman. Barkley is bollocks though, and I don't rate Lukaku against the big teams (although he was brilliantly marshalled by us), he's a bit of a bully vs the cannon fodder. Would have been an interesting game if we both at full strength.
Barkley is an utter cunt. He made 2 really bad tackles in the first half with his studs showing. The first one he got away with. The second one he almost broke Lovrens leg and only received a yellow. Both were straight reds in my opinion. Scandalous refereeing.

Williams' stamp on Can was also pretty cuntish. However, I can understand the officials missing it as it was off the ball, but surely he should be facing retrospective punishment? I've heard fuck all talk about it.
It was a cheerful touch.

Is this the place for some splendid match ratings and general good cheer?

A very enjoyable derby, with all the things we love most about this game: plenty of needle and some shuddering challenges, players who transcended the frenetic tempo to display genuine class, lovely goals and a dominant display. And most importantly, a win.

Everton put the effort in, which Liverpool matched, but when it came to football ability, the gulf between the teams was evident. All too often it isn't evident, but this attempt to emulate The Dogs Of War failed, even if we suffered the Mane injury. Lukaku was given no service, and Barkley had a horrible game. It wasn't horrible in terms of effort and involvement - he had plenty of the ball and never hid away - but his passing was horrible (apart from one cute pass in the area) and he chose the wrong option every time. And his tackling was horrific. Robles was also totally abysmal, barely moving for the third goal.

Fortunately, his opposite number in a red shirt was magnificent, with the little Brazilian shrugging off a few weeks of mediocrity with a bewitching display of attacking football, and devastating creativity. There wasn't really any weak performances in the Liverpool side, everyone played well, and that was reflected in the overall superiority of the performance. Of course, there were the almost inevitable issues in defence, with yet another dismal goal conceded from a setpiece, and another moment from a deep cross that left two Everton players totally free, but thankfully Mignolet rescued that situation.

Mignolet (7) Not overly busy. One save from Holgate, maybe, but generally well-protected and could do little about the goal

Clyne (7) Battled well with Baines, and showed good positioning and speed. Got forward a bit more in the second half as Everton grew ever more disjointed. Solid game.

Matip (8) Very impressive defensively and also smooth and unruffled when playing out from the back. Always seemed to be in the right place to snuff out danger and snaffle any loose balls.

Lovren (8) I don't think Lukaku enjoyed that as much as Lovren did. He's never going to be a calming presence in defence, but when there's an opportunity for a proper old-school scrap, his size, mobility and bravery make him an ideal candidate, and he launched himself into battle at every opportunity

Milner (6) Our Captain (of industry) was busy as ever, and was up and down the wing all game. Rather wayward with some of his passing though, which could have been more costly against a better side. Plenty of interceptions as he cut down options and frustrated Everton's attacks.

Lucas (6) Sat in front of the defence and helped repel attacks, and also used the ball intelligently. He won almost everything that went in the air, too. Can't run, so he was stranded by players running past him once or twice, and gave away the obligatory Lucas Kicks, but didn't let anyone down.

Can (7) Battling, all-action display from the German, who was heavily involved all over the pitch and helped us boss the midfield.

Wijanldum (6) Anonymous in the first half, he never seemed to be on the ball much, or even near it, but he was very good indeed after half-time, when his energy, movement and clever passing were so important as we stayed in control and on top.

Mane (8) Whenever he had the ball, threat loomed for Everton. His aggressive running and desire to make things happen were great, and scored the important first goal. I've been one of his biggest fans, but even I didn't expect him to be this good in his first season. 13 Premiership goals. That's good work so far.

Coutinho (9) Decided to remind everyone just how good he can be. His touch, vision and creativity were all on a higher plane. Every time he received the ball, he oriented towards the Everton goal, seeming to make immediate calculations about how to inflict maximum damage. Scored one, made another and poor old Everton couldn't lay a glove on him. Sublime.

Firmino (6) Worked hard to make space and create opportunities for others, and also helped the team by taking up positions right and left when Mane went off. Didn't score, but then he hardly ever does.
Yeah, Lucas and Firmino a 7 for me.
Gini was also excellent. At least a 7.
Klopp conceding that we dont have a like for like replacement for Mane, like we've known since August, just makes the negative net spend a bit annoying.
Even more so if his injury results in us missing out on top 4.
Anyone know where that video of Liverpool fans singing about Coleman comes from. Not very nice to say the least.
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