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Schlek wins the TDF

Rouge Penguin

Very Active
Contador fails a drugs test.

'its not my fault, somehow a performance drug that improves breathing capacity got into my food. Accidently. And helped me stay with andy in the mountains, by chance'. Squealed the cheat

Really dissapointing news isnt it. Good that they continue to root out the problem of course but so sad that its still going on.
Its a shame alright, his shame. It'll now call into question his other wins, and itll taint his achievements.

Glad they do though, clean riding is probably never going to happen though.
No sport is clean, but cycling does more than any other sport to try to catch the cheats.
Thats simply not the case mate. The fact is that as sport pro-cycling goes after its cheats whereas other sports (In particular team sports either dont bother testing regularly or strictly enough and dont bother persuing cheats).
In 2009 there was an independant and anonymous survey of ex-footballers in the NFL and almost 17% admitted using steroids and almost all said they were barely ever tested.
There are loads of other high profile incidents where broad spectrum sports are implicated in doping and the IOC and the pro cycling organisations are the only ones who act strictly and thoroughly.
There was a high profile case in Spain a few years back where a spanish doctor was implicated in doping loads of sportsmen including top tennis and football stars but neither the LTA or FIFA even persued the investigations whereas whole teams of cyclists were straight banned.

I think it will probably always be more widespread in individual sports like Cycling and Athletics but the problem is highlighted more by team sports not being arsed to try and catch its cheats. In particular blood cheats.
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