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Suso - interview

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Nice interview, with some positive comments about us, BR and Rafa!

Liverpool's new kid on the block Suso is ready for the long haul to make his name at Anfield

It is half-time in the most passionate fixture in Premier League football. Reduced to 10 men against Manchester United, Liverpool manager Brendan Rodgers is looking for a midfielder to solve a crisis.


Rising star: Suso is out to make the most of his opportunities at Liverpool Photo: REUTERS

By Chris Bascombe
11:59PM GMT 03 Nov 2012

He could turn to a £20 million Stewart Downing, who has 34 England caps or £18 million Jordan Henderson, member of England’s Euro 2012 squad, or even new loan signing from Real Madrid, Nuri Şahin.
Instead, he informs 18-year-old Jesús Joaquín Fernández Sáez de la Torre, yet to play a Premier League game, to take off his tracksuit.
For the youngster from Cadiz known as Suso, there is an instinctive reaction.“My first thought was, ‘Oh my God,” he recalls.
“We were a man down because of Jonjo [Shelvey’s] red card and I couldn’t believe he was picking me to play the second half against Manchester United and not one of the others like Şahin, Downing or Henderson.
“He just told me to do what I would normally do. He said, ‘You are ready and I have confidence in you’, so I went out and played.
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“Since then I have started every game in the Premier League. It has been a big change in a short time. Last year I had no expectation to play for the first team but, when Brendan arrived, the first thing he said was how much he liked the young players.
“In pre-season, on the American tour, he told me I would get a chance and I should be ready. The first opportunity came in the Europa League against Young Boys, but the United game was just three days later and I never expected it.
“In Spain, it is not normal for someone who is only 18 to play for the first team for a club the size of Liverpool. It never happens.
“But Brendan is one of the best people I have ever met and there is no time when he is not talking to you, when he is not trying to help. When you speak to him about the game, it is not like talking to a manager, it is like talking to a friend about football, someone who is eager for you to do well and you want to repay that trust.”
Rodgers’ decision against United was a symbol of the changing landscape at Anfield. He felt compelled to risk his reputation on an untried, but reputable youngster.
For the teenager it marked a rapid promotion, justifying three challenging years adapting to a foreign country because of an innate belief he would succeed at Anfield.
“I thought the Premier League was the best in the world and, for a couple of years, there were a lot of Spanish players doing well here, especially Liverpool,” said Suso, who moved to Merseyside from his hometown club in the Spanish second division in 2010.
"I thought I would improve my game here and because of all the Spanish coaches, players and, at the time, a Spanish manager, it was the right choice.
“It was a young age for me to come and it was a big change leaving my parents but, when you really want something badly, nobody can change your mind.
“There were difficult moments away from my family and you have to grow up quicker. But I knew why I was here and what my goal was, so I was never too sad.
"You do not get the chance to play for Liverpool every day, so I knew I had to take it.” Alongside Raheem Sterling, Suso represents the next Anfield generation.
Liverpool's heart and soul, Steven Gerrard and Jamie Carragher, have entered their twilight years and Suso hopes it is he and Sterling who will provide similar inspiration.
“Raheem and I are really good friends. It helps when you come into the side at the same time as another young player, because you both understand each others’ situation,” he said.
“When some new players didn’t arrive in August we thought maybe this was our chance, but at the same time I felt a big responsibility when I was selected.
“Raheem and I can give each other support and confidence. Our wish is to be like Gerrard and Carragher, to be able to play as many games and be a top player for so long. Playing with Gerrard and Suárez is something I will treasure forever.
“But there are some young players who may get to the first team and then think ‘that’s it, I have done everything I want now’. That’s not what I think. I know I have just started and this is where the hard work starts.
“In January some new players will probably come and I have to be ready for that and make sure I keep playing.” The youngster says he idolises Andres Iniesta and, having played for Spain at Under 17s through to the Under 19s, hopes to make the full squad.
If he fulfils such potential he will be grateful not only to the current Liverpool manager but a former one. Rafa Benitez is maintaining a watching brief on a player who, as one of his last Liverpool signings, could prove an exceptional parting gift.
“The biggest reason I signed was Rafa,” says Suso. Real Madrid were interested but it was their Academy coaches calling, at Liverpool it was the manager.
“He rang me the day I made my debut to congratulate me and his message was for me to keep working, which I appreciated. Now I know I have to make sure this is just the beginning for me.”
You could do worse than to look up to Iniesta - amazing amazing player.

Sounds like Suso wants to do things in the game, so that's good.
Yeah, he's definitely not lacking self belief. So long as he has the sheer will to keep improving he could be an amazing player for us.
Good work by Rafa there.

Suso has been impressive although I'm not sure he should be starting or in the front 3, at least. He'll be a great player in the coming years so hopefully this experience he's getting will reap rewards.

If he's to continue starting, I think he needs to get a goal to give him that bit of extra confidence to kick on.
would have been interesting to see him play where cole did against swansea, he would have better and could have changed the game, i think.
He's just about to be 'promoted' to academy technical director. I hope he'll stay here for ages. I don't know what he thinks about the change but he always seems passionate about being here.
Well done to Borrell, too, who's brought him on brilliantly.

Borrell is the perfect person to prepare players for the kind of game we want to play. He comes across as an interesting character- inscrutable, but not lacking humour. Interesting to hear he's going to be promoted. I imagine he'll be a hands-on technical director, or at least, I really hope he is.
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