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Who Is The Worst Player To Have A Decent Career?

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Was Big Dunc a football player or was he someone wheeled out from time to time just to hurt people? I can't be arsed researching him, but I assume managers bought him and gave him contracts. I can't remember ever seeing him play but I've seen bitters go all bleary eyed over him. I bet he's working doors now.

Another fine shout.

Think he's working with Everton. The proto Andy Carroll (with a dash of Joey Barton)

Several large transfer fees paid for him, and spells at Rangers, Everton (twice) and also Newcastle (12m I think)

Can't recall him getting into double figures more than once or twice. Bitters hero because he often played well against us, scored a few derby goals, and was then injured again. Or suspended. Or in jail.

Probably best known in Liverpool for battering burglars on his property, trying to break into his shed or something

Which is pretty ace, actually.
Solomon Kalou. One of those players we nearly bought, has always looked like turd, yet has won loads of shit no doubt.
Emile Heskey?

130 league goals in 633 league appearances. I remember him being bloody excellent one year (hat trick against Derby?), but even his highest league tally for Liverpool was 14 in a season!

EDIT: Worse still, that was Heskey's highest ever league tally.
Emile Heskey?

130 league goals in 633 league appearances. I remember him being bloody excellent one year (hat trick against Derby?), but even his highest league tally for Liverpool was 14 in a season!

EDIT: Worse still, that was Heskey's highest ever league tally.

One great season, in the Treble year.

15 mediocre ones
Kilbane came to mind immediately.

Barry Venison, Robbie Savage, Tony Warner, etc.
Robbie Savage was an OK midfielder, for certain teams.

Wasn't he?

Not amazing, but at least he offered something
Id throw Carlton Palmer in the mix.
He got a bunch of caps for England inexplicably.
Technically he was about Div 3 level
Some pundit recently compared Pogba to Carlton Palmer.
I'm sure it wasn't a compliment.
Geoff Thomas, you mean? The guy who beat cancer and now cycles fucking everywhere for charity?

Yeah, he's the meff. And not you, at all.

I don't recall requesting that we factor in any 'decent bloke' or 'does a lot of work for charity' to the decision, you whiny, pointless little cunt.

Yeah, that's him. He wasn't very good at football, was he, cancer notwithstanding?
I don't recall requesting that we factor in any 'decent bloke' or 'does a lot of work for charity' to the decision, you whiny, pointless little cunt.

Yeah, that's him. He wasn't very good at football, was he, cancer notwithstanding?

You spend all day surrounded by cunts, it's only natural you're one yourself. I'd expect you and your rag to call someone like Geoff Thomas a 'meff'.
Im more dip in and outty these days so no idea how you wound him up.
I feel like one of those incidents that made me quit being a mod is coming.

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