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  • Repeating an offer I made a while ago. If anyone wants me to change their username then just DM me (@Dee)

Sturridge Back in the new year... God willing - (looks up to the heavens) :p

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It's funny isn't it - it's ok for all the God-haters and unbelievers to give stick and abuse to those who disagree with their beliefs but it's not ok for the believers to talk and share why they believe what they believe with others who ask, even if it's done in a respectful and gentle manner.

And btw jehovahs witnesses are not Christians. In fact in many circles they are considered a cult.

Christianity is a cult. A long-lasting one admittedly, and one that has been commandeered over the past 2,000 years by kings, queens and governments to control the masses, but a cult all the same. Just watch those blokes in the mad dresses swinging the incense and incanting inside specially built 'worship' buildings. If a bearded Jewish guy walked out of the desert right now and started collecting followers by telling people he was the son of God he would get pretty short shrift. That's because the idea that everyone from the Egyptians to the Vikings, from the Incas to the Romans, from the Greeks to the Hindus are wrong, wrong, wrong and Christians are right is not only groundless but also the height of arrogance.
I don't hate god, he doesn't exist. So it's impossible.
Love these football threads!
Rory Smith
Last updated at 12:01AM, November 20 2014

Possibly the most telling assessment of Daniel Sturridge’s injury troubles came from the player himself in a radio interview, just after he had sustained the thigh strain while away with England that is threatening to blight his season.

“Maybe it’s hereditary,” the Liverpool striker said of his propensity to pick up muscle strains. “Maybe the fast-twitch muscle fibres that [mean] I have speed make me more vulnerable.”

There is no question that Sturridge is injured. The thigh issue that caused Brendan Rodgers and Roy Hodgson to fall out, the calf injury that delayed his comeback, the thigh problem he picked up this week: they are all real. But there is a psychological dimension to such things, too, and it is here that Liverpool perhaps have more cause for concern.

There are, broadly speaking, two types of player: those who will play through injury and those who feel they have to be almost in peak condition to give of their best. Those who have worked with Sturridge would probably suggest that he fits the latter category.

Both of his first two injuries this season were grade 1 strains. That ordinarily means a period of 12 to 20 days’ rest and recovery before a return to full training. Sturridge needed twice that for the thigh strain and a month, more or less, for the calf problem. On both occasions, the striker was told by the club’s medical team that he was ready to train before he felt he was.

That has led to exasperation among some of Rodgers’s staff with his progress. They have noted that Sturridge’s approach last season was very different; they believe it is because then he felt he had something to prove: namely that he belonged in the same class as Luis Suárez.

Without that motivation, he has reverted to a form of caution that can look like fear. Here, too, he is far from alone. An abundance of quick, explosive players are plagued by muscle strains. The problem is that as soon as one injury is sustained, there is a worry that another may follow.

Sturridge’s dilemma is that he feels mistiming his return could lead to more serious problems. It is not clear what the solution is. He feels he is vulnerable. With every setback, that will only increase.
I don't think you can call it bad luck. With Suarez the writing was on the wall for the last 2 years. With Sturridge the writing was etched onto the inside of everyone's eyeball since the day he signed.

It's bad luck that Sturridge's longest injury layoff and Suarez departure came at the same time.
It's bad luck that Sturridge's longest injury layoff and Suarez departure came at the same time.

At the beginning of the summer, we knew Suarez was gone, and given Sturridge's injury record, we would have known there would be periods we'd be without him too. Sturridge being out for this long is bad luck, not preparing for him to be injured at all, was bad management.
I know someone who works at the club (can't really say what they do as it would be easier to whittle down who it was and could get them sacked) and I was told months ago that his hip is fucked. Like really, really badly. I didn't want to believe it, but it makes sense now. Lambert, too, is one they have to be careful with, apparently.
Christianity is a cult. A long-lasting one admittedly, and one that has been commandeered over the past 2,000 years by kings, queens and governments to control the masses, but a cult all the same. Just watch those blokes in the mad dresses swinging the incense and incanting inside specially built 'worship' buildings. If a bearded Jewish guy walked out of the desert right now and started collecting followers by telling people he was the son of God he would get pretty short shrift. That's because the idea that everyone from the Egyptians to the Vikings, from the Incas to the Romans, from the Greeks to the Hindus are wrong, wrong, wrong and Christians are right is not only groundless but also the height of arrogance.
I don't hate god, he doesn't exist. So it's impossible.
Love these football threads!

We may not agree on various things but we are still fellow die hard Kopites. So let's get that straight first. Unless of course you're truly a closet Arsenal fan. Then, you're truly beyond hopeless.

Back to your earlier argument, however....

You mentioned that Christianity claim that they are the only true religion and that it is an arrogant stance. But Christianity is not the only religion that claim exclusivity. Think about it. Buddhism talks about nirvana, reincarnation and good works to earn salvation. Islam talks about a Sovereign God and believe that Jesus is a prophet but not God. Judaism believes the promised Messiah has not come. Christianity believes that Jesus is both fully God and Human. Atheism believes there is no God. Many more examples could be given to show that all belief systems are exclusive. They cannot all be correct. Even the belief that there is no one true religion is a truth claim that is exclusive. To say there are many ways is to deny that there is only one way, which is exclusive. So on this basis; if Christianity is arrogant, it is not alone in its presumptuous claims. Truth is singular. Absolute. There is no two truths or three truths. E.g. You're either a man or a woman or whatever. You can't say that you're a man and a woman and whatever.

Giving the right answer to a wrong question is always wrong. The right question to ask should not be - does a Christian or anyone else think that Christianity is the true religion, but rather the right question to ask is - are the claims that Christianity make true ?

If Christianity and the other world religions are merely a matter of personal preference and opinion, then yes, Christianity’s claim to exclusivity is arrogant. BUT, if the message of Christianity is true then it is not arrogant, because something that is true cannot be presumptuous. If Christianity is true its claims are no more arrogant than saying that 2+2=4.

There's a massive difference between a truth claim based on evidence vs a truth claim based on opinion, however popular.

Stop this baloney and start talking about football again - or else I will keep cutting my collar!
I am going to see Swans play on Saturday and amongst loads of other bands playing the opening act is a harp and accordion playing hermaphrodite called Baby Dee.

I might just stay in the pub for the footy though. Not into accordions.
We may not agree on various things but we are still fellow die hard Kopites. So let's get that straight first. Unless of course you're truly a closet Arsenal fan. Then, you're truly beyond hopeless.

Back to your earlier argument, however....

You mentioned that Christianity claim that they are the only true religion and that it is an arrogant stance. But Christianity is not the only religion that claim exclusivity. Think about it. Buddhism talks about nirvana, reincarnation and good works to earn salvation. Islam talks about a Sovereign God and believe that Jesus is a prophet but not God. Judaism believes the promised Messiah has not come. Christianity believes that Jesus is both fully God and Human. Atheism believes there is no God. Many more examples could be given to show that all belief systems are exclusive. They cannot all be correct. Even the belief that there is no one true religion is a truth claim that is exclusive. To say there are many ways is to deny that there is only one way, which is exclusive. So on this basis; if Christianity is arrogant, it is not alone in its presumptuous claims. Truth is singular. Absolute. There is no two truths or three truths. E.g. You're either a man or a woman or whatever. You can't say that you're a man and a woman and whatever.

Giving the right answer to a wrong question is always wrong. The right question to ask should not be - does a Christian or anyone else think that Christianity is the true religion, but rather the right question to ask is - are the claims that Christianity make true ?

If Christianity and the other world religions are merely a matter of personal preference and opinion, then yes, Christianity’s claim to exclusivity is arrogant. BUT, if the message of Christianity is true then it is not arrogant, because something that is true cannot be presumptuous. If Christianity is true its claims are no more arrogant than saying that 2+2=4.

There's a massive difference between a truth claim based on evidence vs a truth claim based on opinion, however popular.

BUT, if the message of Christianity is true? Good luck with that. Whatever makes you happy. I gave up my imaginary friends a long time ago. Although I like the idea of Bacchus, Thor and Shiva. If you were the only person who believed in Jesus and said you knew he was the son of God etc you would be on heavy medication and have a file at the local mental hospital six feet thick. Just because time and politics has created a load of people believing the same made up thing doesn't mean it's not just a load of old bollocks. If humanity survives another 2,000 years it will be some other deity. Just as it has been before many, many times before with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of different gods. It is an argument that cannot be won either way, even though I know I'm right 😉

Shall we get back to debating the the merits of Sterling playing wide or in the hole?
BUT, if the message of Christianity is true? Good luck with that. Whatever makes you happy. I gave up my imaginary friends a long time ago. Although I like the idea of Bacchus, Thor and Shiva. If you were the only person who believed in Jesus and said you knew he was the son of God etc you would be on heavy medication and have a file at the local mental hospital six feet thick. Just because time and politics has created a load of people believing the same made up thing doesn't mean it's not just a load of old bollocks. If humanity survives another 2,000 years it will be some other deity. Just as it has been before many, many times before with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of different gods. It is an argument that cannot be won either way, even though I know I'm right 😉

Shall we get back to debating the the merits of Sterling playing wide or in the hole?

Interestingly, Sterling's cultish too...oops, I mean Christian.

Yes, back to football....Sterling's best position is wide-hole.
For what its worth, that next deity 2000 years from now ought to be called Dantes.

I reckon the traits of Dantes would just be Abraham Lincoln, Vlad the Impaler, and the Kool Aid Man mashed together.

Such is history after all.
Not a cult.

In Christianity, isn't a "cult/cultus" the worship of a particular Saint, rather than a God? Not that it matters.

Some extremist religious views are mad, it's been the root of evil for thousands of years, through distortion and manipulation, I'll grant you that, but if people want to believe in "good" and in some kind of spirituality, then what's wrong with that? There are good and bad in every walk of life, religious or not, if people want to take a particular outlook to strive to be better people, then fair play to them.
In Christianity, isn't a "cult/cultus" the worship of a particular Saint, rather than a God? Not that it matters.

Some extremist religious views are mad, it's been the root of evil for thousands of years, through distortion and manipulation, I'll grant you that, but if people want to believe in "good" and in some kind of spirituality, then what's wrong with that? There are good and bad in every walk of life, religious or not, if people want to take a particular outlook to strive to be better people, then fair play to them.

I agree to some extent of what you're saying.

Extremists and false teachers distort truth and that's where it gets all murky and dark and gives religion a bad name. Sadly, there's a lot of hypocrisy in religion. True religion sets one free, not holds him/her prisoner to another set of rules and laws.
I agree to some extent of what you're saying.

Extremists and false teachers distort truth and that's where it gets all murky and dark and gives religion a bad name. Sadly, there's a lot of hypocrisy in religion. True religion sets one free, not holds him/her prisoner to another set of rules and laws.

"True religion" is subjective.
Interestingly, Sterling's cultish too...oops, I mean Christian.

Yes, back to football....Sterling's best position is wide-hole.

Ignoring him is good tactic when it comes to Silver Sean I find mate. Especially on matters such as these. You know ones that require a modicum of intelligence, humility and understanding. Oddly we actually share the same religious standpoint. I just choose not to express my opinion like a classless div.
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