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Sterling to Man City.. Maybe Arsenal..

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St Wenger loves to rage against clubs tapping up his players, but he uses the Mirror to do the same for him on a regular basis, the knock-kneed nit.
Rory Smith is having the lols on twitter about this.

Sunday: Mirror say AFC want Sterling.
Monday: Metro say Mirror says AFC want Sterling.
Tuesday: MIrror say Metro says AFC want Sterling,
That about sums up the press in the country.

Most of the 'news' is just recycling some no mark's twitter feed, & then cos that is reported in a 'newspaper' another outlet reports them reporting it.

It'd be funny if it wasn't so bloody tragic.
Yeah, saw that. Very good.

Barrett has said today that we wont be held ransom by Sterling and Aidy Ward.
We've offered 100k a week, 5 year contract. Sterling wants 140k according to The Times.

Barrett says that we're looking at it like we did with Suarez and we wont listen to offers from rival clubs and and we're prepared to let him play out next season with the existing contract. Selling him is last resort. He hasn't got a release clause either.
Barrett has said today that we wont be held ransom by Sterling and Aidy Ward..

Yes, here's the piece in full:

Tony Barrett
Last updated at 12:01AM, March 31 2015

Liverpool are ready to play hardball with Raheem Sterling by keeping the forward to the terms of his present contract if they are unable to agree a new deal with him when negotiations resume at the end of this season.

Liverpool’s offer of a five-year contract worth about £100,000 per week has already been rejected by Aidy Ward, Sterling’s representative — it is believed that he has asked for £140,000 a week — and with the two parties unable to reach a compromise it was decided that a cooling-off period was necessary. Liverpool, though, maintain that they will not be pressurised into either giving Sterling a pay rise in excess of what they believe he is worth or selling the 20-year-old to a rival club should a resolution not be reached before the start of next season.

While there is an acceptance at Liverpool that Sterling’s value could depreciate after he enters the final two years of his contract in June, there is also a determination not to be railroaded into sanctioning his transfer regardless of the pressure they could come under.

Manchester City are long-term admirers of Sterling and the reality is that several other clubs would compete for his signature if the versatile attacking player became available. Liverpool’s view, however, is that selling him is the nuclear option and one that they remain determined to avoid, although should relations deteriorate that position could change.

Two years ago, John W Henry, Liverpool’s principal owner, blocked Arsenal’s attempt to sign Luis Suárez, saying it would be “ludicrous” to countenance strengthening a rival and it is understood that Sterling’s situation is viewed similarly, although the England player is not considered to be at the same level as the Uruguayan.

As things stand, Liverpool remain hopeful that Sterling will conclude that his immediate future lies with them but, should a new agreement not be reached, they are prepared to allow him to enter the penultimate year of a contract that earns him about £35,000 per week plus bonuses.

Unlike Suárez, who left Liverpool last summer after Barcelona agreed his £75 million release clause, suitors for Sterling cannot trigger his release that way as he does not have a similar stipulation in his contract. That will not prevent offers to sign Sterling but Liverpool’s position is that he is a key part of Brendan Rodgers’ short and long-term plans.

Having been informed by Sterling recently that he would prefer talks to be postponed until the summer, Liverpool have been disappointed that the player’s camp has indicated that a parting of the ways could occur as a result of the impasse that they remain determined to resolve.

Sterling is expected to be fit for Liverpool’s Premier League game away to Arsenal on Saturday despite missing England’s friendly away to Italy this evening.

Defeat would represent a serious setback to Liverpool’s hopes of finishing in the top four and qualifying for next season’s Champions League, a competition that Sterling’s camp believes he belongs in. Liverpool will also push for Daniel Sturridge to declare himself fit for the crucial clash at the Emirates Stadium, with the forward continuing his recovery from the hip injury that forced him to withdraw from the England squad for their games against Lithuania and Italy.

Elsewhere Rory Smith has slammed Sterling's agent for making a 'massive tactical mistake' of making the negotiations public.

Actually I think the club is quite good at being strong in these situations. But should the club let these situations arise in the first place? I'm not sure, but I think we should certainly try much harder to seize the initiative much earlier.
Elsewhere Rory Smith has slammed Sterling's agent for making a 'massive tactical mistake' of making the negotiations public.

Actually I think the club is quite good at being strong in these situations. But should the club let these situations arise in the first place? I'm not sure, but I think we should certainly try much harder to seize the initiative much earlier.

It's an odd one, because whilst I agree that Aidy Ward is doing a great job of making Raheem look like a mercenary, the club have pretty much leaked their offer as well, so both sides are engaging in a propaganda war of sorts; it's just that Sterling's agent is not as good at it. It would be one thing if Sterling was absolutely on fire this season but he's been relatively patchy and certainly hasn't developed into anything approaching a consistent match-winner. I get the impression the latest leak - the one in which Ward is trying to make it clear that the impasse isn't about Sterling being greedy - is trying to win back a certain amount of sympathy for his client. But it isn't working at all.
In principle I'd agree we should try and head these things off at the pass. In practice, though, I wonder how much we can actually do in today's climate to achieve that.
In principle I'd agree we should try and head these things off at the pass. In practice, though, I wonder how much we can actually do in today's climate to achieve that.

Yes, it's probably just the way things are these days, but I do think clubs should stand back and take a long, cool-headed look at the whole process. Take buy-out clauses, for example. I suspect with the likes of top players, like Suarez, a club can just play hardball if a bid comes in and get a huge sum - identifying a sum in a contract just seems to start two or three years of 'come and get him' stories. I'd cut that out altogether: 'Here's a contract, here's the length of time it runs, sign it, then either see it out or put in a request'. Otherwise it's like someone announcing just as they get married to some stunning beauty, 'She's just married me but if you make these moves on her I'll be obliged to let her leave me for you'. It's all a bit wrong. And when it comes to contract extensions, I do think the club needs, as a matter of principle, a very clear (but private) time frame for when it should be discussed and executed. They can be flexible, of course - if a player does so incredibly well early on you can set the wheels in motion months/a year earlier and accelerate the process - but there should be a system set up that ensures there are no more snoozy Parry-esque slip-ups. I don't like the term 'pro-active' because being active is all you need, but we're caught napping way too often, and it's been going on ever since Peter Robinson retired.
Rory Smith is having the lols on twitter about this.

Sunday: Mirror say AFC want Sterling.
Monday: Metro say Mirror says AFC want Sterling.
Tuesday: MIrror say Metro says AFC want Sterling,

Yet if you point this out to morons when it's about a player they want us to sign they take the stupid road
Don't get to worked up now, we don't want to risk this thread getting locked and deleted aswell.

If I ever got half as worked up as you think I do i'd have just banned you.

The reality is its funnier watching you attempting bluff your footballing knowledge by boiling every player down to one adjective
If I ever got half as worked up as you think I do i'd have just banned you.

The reality is its funnier watching you attempting bluff your footballing knowledge by boiling every player down to one adjective

Ban me then or move on and get a life.
Hmmmm looks to install a script that counteracts this.. something simlilar that works like an adblock blocker..

Ignore a mod should be a function, or better yet an ignore the troll function.

I haven't got anyone on ignore and I don't see the need to either. Except the troll obviously. That would be bliss.
Or how about Ross stops namechecking certain users, and acting like a bit of cunt toward them, isn't that something you guys can discuss on your forum?
Anyway.... you just use a Ross Thread Exorcism to get him out of threads - I'll show you how....
The power of Robbie Fowler compels thee... the power of Robbie Fowler compels thee...

I banish thee from this thread....



We need to play hardball with the little rascal and not let him take us ransom which is what the club has been doing so far. Well done.

Imagine if he did this to Ferguson @ MU. He'd have woken up with a horse's head next to him. Or turned into an Anderson or Nani.

We need to lay down the stance as a club and show that we are no pushovers. It's embarrassing when you think of our track record with Mcmanaman, Owen, Torres and Suarez when they were all contract rebels at some point of their time with us.

Enough is enough.

You want more money. Shut up and play to earn it. Else, play for the reserves.
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