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Why are English supporters the most pitiful in world football?

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It's not that there isn't any truth to what's being said, there clearly is. It's just that it's being delivered in an antagonistic manner.

It's probably not far off English fans going to foreign lands, say France, being antagonistic and then wondering why the reaction is severe.

The irony is amusing if nothing else.
It's not that there isn't any truth to what's being said, there clearly is. It's just that it's being delivered in an antagonistic manner.

It's probably not far off English fans going to foreign lands, say France, being antagonistic and then wondering why the reaction is severe.

The irony is amusing if nothing else.

Being self-righteous whomever you are (or wherever you are) isn't an attractive trait.

Irony often escapes the self-righteous. It's not as if all countries don't have plenty of skeletons is it?
It's not that there isn't any truth to what's being said, there clearly is. It's just that it's being delivered in an antagonistic manner.

It's probably not far off English fans going to foreign lands, say France, being antagonistic and then wondering why the reaction is severe.

The irony is amusing if nothing else.

Haha. Well put.
The point of all this is that there's good and bad everywhere. Of course there are a number of Neanderthals who follow the England team, but what Ryan's trying to say is that (a) it's our problem only and (b) always has been, both of which are arrant nonsense and unmask his fundamental prejudice. Banter between Celts and us Anglos is one thing, but this is deeper and far nastier.
It's not that there isn't any truth to what's being said, there clearly is. It's just that it's being delivered in an antagonistic manner.

It's probably not far off English fans going to foreign lands, say France, being antagonistic and then wondering why the reaction is severe.

The French mastered the art of being antagonistic to everyone else ages ago.
Good. First let's be clear that this was breaking news and no details of the case were known - at all.

Now people can see for themselves that I was debating around two points a) the age of consent and how it is affected by religious beliefs and cultural mores b) innocent until proven guilty.

Encapsulated by this post :
What Johnson did or didn't do is just conjecture at this stage, eventually the truth will come out. However I was far more interested in the social mores of different cultures. Fascinating stuff.
Plenty of details are posted in the thread. You and the other usual suspects chose to ignore them.

At least it only took you a few posts to admit you fucked up in this thread, rather than the months it took you in that one.

You're getting quicker
We've entered a weird area now.

From all English are cunts to 'Yeah well your word means fuck all youre a Pedo'

Strange things are afoot at the circle K.

I never called him a paedo. But he has never told us why he moved to China either.

His poor judgment led him to defend a paedo. Likewise his poor judgment exposed his bigotry in this thread.

His word means nothing because of his absolutely horrendous judgment.
I never called him a paedo. But he has never told us why he moved to China either.

His poor judgment led him to defend a paedo. Likewise his poor judgment exposed his bigotry in this thread.

His word means nothing because of his absolutely horrendous judgment.
I have (said why I moved to China) but of course, as you do in all debates, you ignore anything detrimental to your rhetoric and plough on regardless. Typical lawyer, sees only any fragment that may support his case and then twists it to suit. A perfect example being the leading "But he has never told us why he moved to China either." Pathetic.

You love to bandy the word 'Bigotry' around but you really need to go back and understand the prime dictionary definition (which you seemingly do not) : 'intolerance towards those who hold differing views/opinions'. That is a near perfect definition of your behaviour on 6CM.
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Seems a MINORITY of England fans tried to goad Ireland fans in Lille last night - Anti Ira chants etc. French Police having to intervene before any real trouble kicked off.
Btw Frogfish - Ryan quoted where you used the word expect.

You bigoted fuck.

Even your fellow idiot club member Cloggypop removed a like from your post when he re-read it.

Are you going to stand over this shit?

Eh? Cloggypop's not an idiot. He's one of the funniest people on here. What's wrong with you?
I still have some of my veggie soup that this thread inspired me to make.

I froze it as a momentum to this thread - like a moment in time frozen for all eternity (or when I get hungry and am sober enough to eat soup).

Aaaahhhh... root vegetables.... where art thou????
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