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Gylfi Sigurdsson

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Gylfi Sigurdsson decide Liverpool or Tottenham Hotspur today says his father Sigurdur Adalsteinsson.
“Gylfi wants to play at the highest level possible - every player wants to do that - but the opportunity has to be right.
“He hasn’t made up his mind yet. There are plenty of clubs interested in him. There are some in Germany, but Gylfi wants to play in England.
“The main aim for Gylfi is to be in as good a team as he can be and play for the best club possible. He is no different to anyone else.
“Liverpool and Tottenham are both in Europe next season so that is not the question.
“I have seen the stories that he is demanding a certain amount of money per week and they are rubbish. He just wants a normal salary and be on the same as other players at the club.
“The bottom line is he just wants to play and the main thing football-wise is to find the right team which will suit him the most.
“It always helps when you know the coach like Brendan Rodgers. He is a very good trainer. But does that mean Liverpool? Maybe, maybe not.
“He is thinking what is best to do and will have a decision by Sunday.”
This is just speculation but isn't his silence supposed to be about the date July 1st? Or given that falls on a Sunday probably the 2nd. Something to do with his Hoffenhiem contract.
I like him a lot and think he'd be a great signing, but Tottenham or Liverpool will be his sixth club and he's only 22. That's the only thing that worries me. I think he's ours and it's just a matter of time and offering a reasonable wage on our part. Tottenham don't really offer anything more than us, he knows what our manager is all about, and knows that our manager will utilise his strengths to make him play well, there are dozens of midfielders who've failed miserably at Spurs - Pienaar, Bentley, Palacios (decent first season though), Jenas (hasn't done anything for Spurs since 2008), dos Santos, Kranjcar, Taarabt, Prince-Boateng, Tainio, Bostock, O'Hara, Gilberto, Ghaly, Danny Murphy. Some fantastic footballers there who've went on to better things, but their spell at Tottenham isn't one they'll cherish. Just a word of warning to Gylfi.
and on and on and on it goes !!

hopefully this is our saga for the summer and everything else is nice and quick .
gylfi can f off if he is taking this long - who does he think we are?

That's ridiculous. It's a major step in a young lad's life and should dictate his progress and lifestyle for the next few years. Why shouldn't he take as long as he wants to ? Are we in a hurry all of a sudden ? I doubt it.
I don't really get why people are so fussed - if it was any of us, and we weren't Liverpool fans, we'd a) look for the best club for our future and b) a good deal financially. He's doing it - and because he's doing it with us, we're offended. I'm not. If you choose us, fantastic and you better be ace. if you don't, good luck and you will be shit.
But we are Liverpool fans Wizzy, and can't understand why he would pass the chance up to play for us.


But we're also wise and it seems he ain't - he'll grow to be one if he comes here (like Didi, Sami etc) but at the end of the day, he has every right to do what he's doing ...
Not so attractive salary + ex-boss that know you well
Attractive salary + uncertainties on the job

tough choice
Team that would be in the CL if Chelsea didn't win
Team that finished 37 pts off the top, hasn't been in the CL for years and wants to pay you less than the other team
Apologies if posted already

Mjölnir ON ynwa.tv

Gylfi is in Iceland atm. (!)

Played Icelandair open today.

Got some more info tonight. Going to set the record straight considering his wages. LFC offering the same deal Swansea offered him (and he accepted). Spurs offering aprox twice as much. Brendan´s hands are tight, word "from above" is that they will not overpay for players like the club has been doing in the past, hence the club will not up their offer. Football decicion beeing made by football people... ohhh wait

This interview with his father is brand new. So expect news tomorrow
i do agree with Krump and a few others , potential signings this summer might be paying the price for mistakes gone . And fair enough you have to start somewhere if implementing plans like this but surely it's about balance , controlling the wage structure but being flexible enough to pay for players who are worth it . It's only logical you'd ask for more wages if liverpool were interested . Top clubs pay more for a host of obvious reasons .
Although i am not saying match spurs if they are offering mad wages .
Guessing it would be another story if Aquaface and Cole had been sold.

Why shouldnt we offer what he has already accepted for Swansea? Levys negotiating skills arent that great by the sound of this..
Not so attractive salary + ex-boss that know you well
Attractive salary + uncertainties on the job

tough choice

So-called "not so attractive" salary which was already enough for him to accept once + ex-boss who was the reason he accepted it
Attractive salary + prospective boss who may not even rate him and was drummed out of another club mere months ago for being so far up his own @rse he probably spends his weekends wallpapering his own rectum
Much trickier choice than you suggest.
His dad saying he just wants to earn the same as everyone as at the club pretty much underlines that there's a difference in the wages. Look if he chooses Spurs over us because of the money then fair play to him, I won't begrudge him, if he joins us fantastic, but either way his decision is completely understandable and in no way does choosing Spurs over us make him a mercenary.
Choosing Spurs over us because of the money wouldn't make him a mercenary? How does *that* work?

Quite. He wants to be on a par with other players, Ming was on £30k per week and went because he wanted double, this lad is asking for, if reports are true, somewhere in the region of £60k-£90k (we're apparently offering £45k and Spurs have offered anything upto double the amount, depending on who you believe).
Quite. He wants to be on a par with other players, Ming was on £30k per week and went because he wanted double, this lad is asking for, if reports are true, somewhere in the region of £60k-£90k (we're apparently offering £45k and Spurs have offered anything upto double the amount, depending on who you believe).

Spurs have a wage cap of 70k so I don't think it's that high, from what i've heard it's more 30k from us 60k from them. Everything about the deals are pretty similar, both clubs in Europe, both with new managers, he has a great working relationship with one our manager, however Spurs finished in fourth, he'll have a similar shot at getting in the first team at both clubs so it's pretty obvious that wages are going to be the big decider here. I can't understand why everyone would be so happy to label him a mercanary if he chose the higher paying job, it's not like he's joining West Ham, I hate Spurs more than anyone on this forum but they are just as attractive a proposition as we are. If people on this forum got offered two jobs which were this close in terms of attraction, they'd choose the higher paying one everytime, especially if it was twice the wages, thats not being a mercenary, thats common sense.
Choosing Spurs over us because of the money wouldn't make him a mercenary? How does *that* work?

Come on JJ. If you are working for Marks & Spencers and Harrods come along and offer you a position then for sure you are going to be better paid and probably enhanced prospects too. The nature of the beast. I have no problem with that, I would damn well expect we pay our players better than Swansea ... otherwise what does that say about our players ?

The fact he was ready to sign for Swansea is neither here nor there. When bigger clubs come in for you then an improved deal is expected and then is nothing wrong with that at all and his agent will be going all out to milk that, it's not like the lad himself is sitting down at the table thumping his fist and making demands.

Considering he's a Manc supporter there is no special love for us and in fact it probably makes it a touch more difficult to choose us over Spurs ! IMHO our one advantage over Spurs is Rodgers, and that will probably not be enough to swing it.

Come on JJ. If you are working for Marks & Spencers and Harrods come along and offer you a position then for sure you are going to be better paid and probably enhanced prospects too. The nature of the beast. I have no problem with that, I would damn well expect we pay our players better than Swansea ... otherwise what does that say about our players ?

The fact he was ready to sign for Swansea is neither here nor there. When bigger clubs come in for you then an improved deal is expected and then is nothing wrong with that at all and his agent will be going all out to milk that, it's not like the lad himself is sitting down at the table thumping his fist and making demands.

Considering he's a Manc supporter there is no special love for us and in fact it probably makes it a touch more difficult to choose us over Spurs ! IMHO our one advantage over Spurs is Rodgers, and that will probably not be enough to swing it.


The analogy doesn't really work though Froggy, it's a completely different end of the financial spectrum. Footballers are payed well regardless. If he goes there because he thinks he's walking into a better squad then fair enough, but the point made by his father, or whoever, is that he wants to be earning what other players earn. Not, "he wants to be winning things and playing for a club where he'll be loved and under a manager who knows how to get the best of him".

I really don't get the justification people use that it's the same as any profession, if you get offered better money elsewhere then you leave. How difficult can it be to take a cut and STILL be playing on a significant amount of money each week but go with what your footballing heart tells you?
So-called "not so attractive" salary which was already enough for him to accept once + ex-boss who was the reason he accepted it
Attractive salary + prospective boss who may not even rate him and was drummed out of another club mere months ago for being so far up his own @rse he probably spends his weekends wallpapering his own rectum
Much trickier choice than you suggest.

I'd be flabbergasted if AVB hasn't been consulted in this process. If he is going to be the next manager, I think you have to assume that he's been involved in the decision-making.
It's a big decision for any young footballer, and we are talking a big gulf in terms of the financial aspect for him whether he chose us or Spurs. Don't quite understand the pointing of fingers here.

Rather the contrary if those numbers are to believed it's amazing he hasn't already signed for Spurs. Whether we like it or not.
Being money motivated doesn't all of a sudden make you a mercenary. He's got no ties to this place at all and if he's been offered more somewhere else and takes it, who can blame him? You could make an argument that players who say they love the club and then fight tooth and nail for some of the biggest contracts in world football are mercenary. But what's the point? Every player is being advised the same thing, the career is short, maximise every revenue stream.

Us not offering similar to Spurs for a player we clearly want, when that amount is average for what we've offered players in the past - well you don't have to be Standard and Poors to see that we're downgrading from category A to category B as a club.
I'd be flabbergasted if AVB hasn't been consulted in this process. If he is going to be the next manager, I think you have to assume that he's been involved in the decision-making.
I agree.

If true and we did 'humiliate' AVB in wanting to interview more than one potential manager perhaps he holds a grudge though and want's to dent our chances of landing The Gylfmeister. I wouldn't even be surprised.
Ok maybe not the best analogy so let's put it another way Mark.

I can imagine how Welbeck may feel at United, supposedly on ca. 15K a week compared to most of the team on mid-high 5 figures, regardless of how much that is worth in real, man-in-the-street terms it still under-values him as a player, and I imagine many players in that position would also feel as a person.
United will probably correct that this Summer however for GS he is not a complete unknown, he is a highly rated (by some) and proven (in the PL) young player and I don't think it is unreasonable for him to expect to be paid whatever is the going rate for a midfielder at LFC or any other club he is joining. Regardless of any new financial policy the club may have no-one wants to be the first in at a new lower salary compared to your team-mates.

It's all well and good the club sticking to their guns (and we actually have no idea, apart from internet rumours, if that is the case or not) but that will cost us good players unless we are in for them and have them tied up before any other PL, or other top Euro league, club gets an offer in. Damned if we do and damned if we don't.
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