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Pre Match - Man Utd (a) - Sun 16:30

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Matip and Mane fit for the bench but not in first XI. Not sure I quite get that one, and I hope it doesn't bite us. Complacency of self, injuries aside, rather than a particular threat has been our biggest weakness in the last couple of years.
Matip and Mane fit for the bench but not in first XI. Not sure I quite get that one, and I hope it doesn't bite us. Complacency of self, injuries aside, rather than a particular threat has been our biggest weakness in the last couple of years.

I think playing Konate is a reasonable choice with United’s speed and Jota can be nicely effective from the left, so I have no issue with those decisions. I think I would have liked to see Jones from the start.

But, Jones and Mane could be impact subs in the 2nd half.
Fabinho is a massive miss, not sure Naby can really play without Fabinho but not really much Klopp can do with midfield options he has currently available.
Milner is required big time to block the flow and be very discplined.
What's the team?

Jota in for Mane, Konate in for Matip? No Fabs? So Hendo, Mille and Keita?
The fuck is going on?! No Fabs?! Oh we're definitely losing this one. Fuck me.
I think playing Konate is a reasonable choice with United’s speed and Jota can be nicely effective from the left, so I have no issue with those decisions. I think I would have liked to see Jones from the start.

But, Jones and Mane could be impact subs in the 2nd half.

Playing Konate in this fixture when he's barely gotten match time is a big cojones call. We'll be praising Klopp or slagging him on this one for sure. Shades of Pep with this decision.
Playing Konate in this fixture when he's barely gotten match time is a big cojones call. We'll be praising Klopp or slagging him on this one for sure. Shades of Pep with this decision.
Could argue that this is the level he needs to hit if he's gonna make it here. He surely knows the system now. We need to rotate, so in he goes.
Playing Konate in this fixture when he's barely gotten match time is a big cojones call. We'll be praising Klopp or slagging him on this one for sure. Shades of Pep with this decision.

Given their midfield and, hopefully, effective pressing from ours, I expect United will try to bypass the midfield with long balls. Konate’s speed and heading ability (combination of Gomez and Matip) could be vital. But…a big call.
I know we haven't quite hit desperations stakes but I would consider using Matip as a holding mid on days like these.
He played a lot of games in that role in Germany.
We should at least train with that scenario just in case.
Dafuk is Klopp at! First time out in the boozer for a game and he picks a team like that. OK Fabs got a knock but Konate????? Can't wait for this.
Worried about Konate.Looks a tad clumsy and doesn't recover ground quickly if they get in behind us. Don't know why JK has gone off Gomez. Keita has to work harder. Mane on the bench.
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In Klopp I trust !
konate been being prepared for this

3/1 to The mighty reds !!! LFC
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