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Fat Sams grand scam, speaks easy.

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Disgraceful all around tbh..... Sam for being so naive to not realise this would happen, the FA for not doing their homework and the Telegraph for the way they actually did this (ie a trap)

I for one will no longer be watching or give 2 shits about the circus that is the FA or the England team anymore....

Im half Welsh anyway.... I am gonna support Wales from now on (at least they seem to know how to run a national team correctly).
Im giving you a like.
Which is a fucking joke given the paucity of likes for the actual ingenuity.

But fuck it, I like you.
Disgraceful all around tbh..... Sam for being so naive to not realise this would happen, the FA for not doing their homework and the Telegraph for the way they actually did this (ie a trap)

I for one will no longer be watching or give 2 shits about the circus that is the FA or the England team anymore....

Im half Welsh anyway.... I am gonna support Wales from now on (at least they seem to know how to run a national team correctly).

If the source had gone to the FA, nothing would have happened to that fat fuck. Rather the whistleblower would have been fired, driven into depression and possible suicide. That's how the FA like to run things, as do most other organisations. So it's not a disgrace if people would rather lurk in the shadows and lay a trap, instead of coming out into the light and getting shot for their trouble.
If the source had gone to the FA, nothing would have happened to that fat fuck. Rather the whistleblower would have been fired, driven into depression and possible suicide. That's how the FA like to run things, as do most other organisations. So it's not a disgrace if people would rather lurk in the shadows and lay a trap, instead of coming out into the light and getting shot for their trouble.

The reason the Telegraph didn't go to the FA is because they wanted to publish the story in the Telegraph.
Pearson suddenly suspended from Derby County too.
I was at a delightful country wedding a few weeks ago, and he was there at another wedding reception. To be honest I always thought he was a bit of a fucking knob and his little outburst at the press conference when he was the Leicester manager mostly confirmed that. He did nothing at the hotel to disabuse me of that opinion - speed drank Stella like a fucking alchy, made everyone wait for photos whilst he meandered about and got himself another drink at the bar, drove a shit spec Rangie Sport with a totally shit "private" plate. Basically came across like an arrogant knobhead - but Iain Dowie on SSN last night assured us all that he was a quality manager, and one of the good guys in football...
The reason the Telegraph didn't go to the FA is because they wanted to publish the story in the Telegraph.

Indeed. But somebody else went to the Telegraph first and told them what was going on with football. It could have been you for all we know.
It's always been thus. There's a powder keg under every England manager, even though he doesn't know it, and all the hacks have to do is get the nod to spark it into action.

Take Hoddle. His 'religious' views were well-known long before he took the England job and were treated as something comical, until the FA got irritated with his treatment of players and his commercial deals. Then Matt Dickinson, a young hack of no fixed ability who was one of the most amoral and ruthlessly ambitious little twats I've ever encountered, was handed the means to make a career for himself simply by interviewing the hapless Hoddle and encouraging him to say what he had been saying for years. Bingo. Shock horror and out the door he went. Dickinson won Sports Journalist of the Year for that.

With Allardyce I can only assume the FA appointed him and then immediately decided they'd made an horrendous mistake. Maybe it was the fact that he wanted a veritable village of assistants to come in with him, or maybe it was his desire to ignore St George's Park (which the FA adores but the players hate), or maybe some players rebelled, but there was nothing about his character or behaviour that the FA didn't already know about when they signed him, so it's hard not to think that they were all too eager to go along with the media storm.

On the proper football side, it's quite astonishing when you look at how low England has sunk as a managerial job. The bookies favourites are:

Gareth Southgate
Steve Bruce
Alan Pardew
Eddie Howe
Glenn Hoddle
Jurgen Klinsmann
Mark Warburton

What a bunch.

All you need to do now to become the media's darling for the job is to play vaguely pretty football and seem youthful. Eddie Howe: a manager for a mere eight years, only one and a bit of which have been spent in the top division, winning nothing and getting beaten so frequently by the biggest teams that he reacted to defeating Everton at home as if it was a cup final. His only time away from Bournemouth was a couple of seasons at Burnley where he failed to stamp any kind of signature on their style of play and left to the regret of no one. His record in the Premier League so far is Won 13, Lost 21. And this is England's great hope?

I actually quite like him, and thought he might be a decent gamble as coach under an experienced manager, but to put him in charge of a team that clearly needs to improve, more than anything else, its discipline and mentality in tournament conditions is frankly ridiculous.

England is a team of inexperienced and mentally weak players. You progress in baby steps with a team like that. First you work on the basics. You don't jump immediately to the tiki-taka stuff. This is a team that collapses under the most minimal kind of competitive pressure. If you don't sort that out, nothing will follow but yet more ignominious defeats.

The FA, in a stunning moment of reason, actually seemed to realise that, by appointing a manager who seemed set to offer that and only that, in terms of making the players mentally tougher and more disciplined. Much as I've always loathed Allardyce, I was quite interested to see what that experiment would do in the short team, because they've tried just about everything else. At least there was some kind of logic in terms of a reaction to what happened n France.

But now what? A return to the absurd and arrogant idea that it will only take a few tweaks to turn the national team into a fabulously stylish footballing side that wins loads of stuff whilst the world stands by and cheers? England is the Sunderland of international football. The FA needs to find someone who can cope with that.

Grim list indeed. Do think there's big potential in Eddie Howe though.
I was at a delightful country wedding a few weeks ago, and he was there at another wedding reception. To be honest I always thought he was a bit of a fucking knob and his little outburst at the press conference when he was the Leicester manager mostly confirmed that. He did nothing at the hotel to disabuse me of that opinion - speed drank Stella like a fucking alchy, made everyone wait for photos whilst he meandered about and got himself another drink at the bar, drove a shit spec Rangie Sport with a totally shit "private" plate. Basically came across like an arrogant knobhead - but Iain Dowie on SSN last night assured us all that he was a quality manager, and one of the good guys in football...

Dowie has always seemed sound. Pearson has always seemed to be a total whopper, as described above.

But I'm not sure the timing of this suspension/ sacking has anything to do with Allardyce. He's exactly the sort of manager that would just get sacked for being a massive cunt.
Dowie has always seemed sound. Pearson has always seemed to be a total whopper, as described above.

But I'm not sure the timing of this suspension/ sacking has anything to do with Allardyce. He's exactly the sort of manager that would just get sacked for being a massive cunt.

Yeah apparently there's been an ongoing rift between Pearson and the Derby Chairman/Chief Exec or whoever it is

It it pretty balanced though lots of it reads as a dig at the Telegraph.

I'm surprised people are still bothered about England, the whole set up has been horrid for years and years. The ineptitude of the FA has been well known for years and along with that the media circus created by journalists of pretty much every paper and outlet has been ridiculous from headlines re managers 'woy' 'turnip' drawing comparisons to the war every time we play Germany 'achtung'
setting up various managers including Sven with the fake Sheikh (who I'm glad is currently in court)

Maybe it's always been like that but seems to be journalistic integrity has got worse and worse, not just football or sport.
These Things are easy to come around. In Norway we recently had the most obvious of cases:

Stabæk (Norway) sold Veigar Pall Gunnarson (VGP) to Nancy for a fee I cant remember, but it was decent international fee.
VGP doesnt cut it in Ligue 1, and after a while Stabæk manage to get him back for almost free, though with a sell on clause.
Vålerenga (Norway) wants to buy him a year later from Stabæk (who is really cash strapped at the moment). Stabaek knows that whatever fee they receive they have to give appr 30% to Nancy.
They sell him to Vålerenga for appr £ 90.000, releasing a £ 30.000 sell on fee to Nancy. At the same time they sell a 15 year old to Vålerenga for £ 400.000, Money which obviously were for VGP. So instead of paying Nancy 135 000 sell on fee they send 30 000 sell on fee. Obvious scam!
Norwegian FA and the police took charges against both Stabæk and Vålerenga plus SPorts Directors in both Club but got nowhere in Court. They were all free to go.

It belongs to the story that Stabæk on their "own initiative "paid the full 135 000 fee to Nancy and that way avoided any UEFA complaints. WHo split the Money in between (before Nancy got paid) noone knows, but it is possible to get around everything if you are just "clever" enough.
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Poor Ravel, it's so sad and surprising that nobody listened to a halfwitted, vicious, lying cunt who has been charged for witness intimidation, criminal damage, common assault and homophobia in the past 3 years.
I've seen a few people having a go at the journalists, saying it's unfair framing him like that.

I don't. There are some types of investigative journalism that step over a line that is unacceptable but in this case they've obviously had a tip off and found him out.

It's greedy arses like Allardyce with no scruples that are killing the game.

Unlucky porky.

Yeah, but lets not act like the press have any morals. I think that's why people find it a bit galling and hypocritical that they're the one setting the honey traps. One corrupt business manipulates another. The press and media have done as much damage to the game as crooked fuckers like Fat Sam.

It's wankers in the press that allow themselves to be taken on board by absolute cunts like Fergie and Mourinho, to put pressure on Governing bodies, Refs, other managers, players etc. They're as bad as eachother.
Towards the end of last year, Morrison was invited to a meeting with the football agent Mark Curtis to see if he wanted to become one of his clients. Curtis does this a fair bit with Allardyce's players. At West Ham, he either represents or has links with Allardyce, Kevin Nolan, James Tomkins, Jack Collison, Matt Jarvis, Andy Carroll, Jussi Jaaskelainen and Adrian. Look through his history and there is a fairly astounding pattern of players signing up to him from Allardyce teams. He also has a chequered past of his own, with an official warning from the Football Association after the 2008 investigation into Luton Town's illegal transfer dealings.

Morrison was not keen but, since then, his complaint is that he has felt under considerable pressure from Allardyce and Nolan to change his mind, claiming it is brought up on an almost daily basis. His grievance is that he wanted to go into training to learn and improve, not to have endless conversations about an agent he did not want to employ.

West Ham have put this to the relevant people and they strenuously deny it. Curtis says it is "nonsense", and there is no suggestion of any wrongdoing. But Morrison has become disillusioned with his manager and captain. Allardyce has talked of Morrison complaining about a groin injury when the medical staff could find no problem. Relationships have broken down. A few months ago, Morrison appeared to have the keys to the football universe. Now he cannot wait to get out of the club.

It is a bit dodgy...
If the source had gone to the FA, nothing would have happened to that fat fuck. Rather the whistleblower would have been fired, driven into depression and possible suicide. That's how the FA like to run things, as do most other organisations. So it's not a disgrace if people would rather lurk in the shadows and lay a trap, instead of coming out into the light and getting shot for their trouble.

Sorry, but in my eyes the cunts who setup people in such ways are no better than the people they are stitching up....
Norwegian player Carew moved from Aston Villa to West Ham a decade or so ago. His agent was uncomfortable and suspicious to the cashflow involved in the transfer and directed by Sam.

Solskjær (Scum player) has been managing Molde in Norway before and after his successful months with Cardiff. It seem like it is a fixed pattern that he only signs players that used his friend Jim Solbakken AS agent.

The backside of the game is rotten and greed amongst those who got most seem to be very much part of problem.
Sorry, but in my eyes the cunts who setup people in such ways are no better than the people they are stitching up....

Sorry to say so, but setting them up so everyone can see this seem to be the only way that warrants more than "I can't comment on that!" answers from those in charge.
Sorry to say so, but setting them up so everyone can see this seem to be the only way that warrants more than "I can't comment on that!" answers from those in charge.

Almost as pathetic as his interview, "entrapment has won wah wah wah poor me poor the sam wah wah". Dickhead.
Sorry, but in my eyes the cunts who setup people in such ways are no better than the people they are stitching up....

Indeed, nice guys finish last in these kinds of affairs. But even though they're both cunts, one has justice and truth on his side, the other cunt has lies and corruption on his. So it's obvious which cunt ought to win for the world to be right.
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