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She's dead

Your being very selective with your quote.

The documentary actually said her advisers urged her to give up on Liverpool and let it fall into a gradual decline. It also implied that she chose to ignore them.

Ok thanks for clearing that up Fugee. I obviously chose what I wanted to hear.

She's still a cunt though
ha posh boy. Is posh being bought up in Portsmouth in a council house , one of the roughest places in Pompey as well Paulsgrove

mums was a cleaner and dad a taxi driver, ha posh

you twat , I am clearly not posh

You had two mums? Makes a change from two dads I suppose.
How will this go down in Northern Ireland Refugee, I expect she's still hated in the republican communities but is she revered by unionists?
A lot of Unionists appreciate her hard line stance on the IRA et al, and her determination to hang onto the Falkands (giving up on British nationals would have rang a few alarm bells over here). But she wasn't the most loveable person in the world, even amongst her supporters, and her ruthless tactics aren't appreciated by everyone.

Definitely still hated by republicans. My Facebook feed ranges from joy to sadness.
The Premier League, or whatever it's called, has already announced that there will not be anything at the matches.
In the 80's I always thought Spitting Image had her spot on, portraying her as a some evil power hungry dominatrix, that and Ronald Reagan as a stupid cunt whos brain was missing!!!.

Sadly you will never get a TV show like that again though.. TV writers are too shit scared to go so close to the bone..

In the 80's I always thought Spitting Image had her spot on, portraying her as a some evil power hungry dominatrix, that and Ronald Reagan as a stupid cunt whos brain was missing!!!.

You will never get a TV show like that again though.. TV writers are too shit scared to go so close to the bone..

I used to have a Spitting Image toilet cleaner holder that went in the bog in the shape of Thatchers head .
Wish I still did . 72 quid !!
Well. Any of you who know me know exactly where I stand. I think ive made my position clear over the years.
BUT hey, just in case you dont.
Im so fucking made up she is dead. Ive waited for years for this. Im as happy as a pig in shit today. I bought a nice bottle of wine earlier to sip this evening in quiet celebration at the death of that hateful, ruinous cunt.
Im not even getting into the politics of it all, it has been said many times over the years. But ANYONE who things its distasteful to be happy she is dead can get fucked.
Her legacy was of hate, greed and misery. She ruined everything she came into contact with and I am going to dance this fucking jig all day.
BBC reporting that she will not have a state funeral. Kinda answered my own question.
You're definitely on a very good wage though, & as a rule most people who are comfortable financially have sympathy for those tory cunts.

Ah Jon, there's plenty of champagne socialists out there too you know. How you think Labour came to power in 1997 😉

Not all Labour supporters are breadline benefit receivers!
I was associated with *that* group on the left of the Liverpool Labour party in the 80s. I dont intend to get into a political debate about the rights & wrongs of that, but the paper we sold had an excellent cartoonist (Alan Hardman) who captured her to a tee in my view

Ah Jon, there's plenty of champagne socialists out there too you know. How you think Labour came to power in 1997 😉

Not all Labour supporters are breadline benefit receivers!

That's cos Labour no longer exists, unfortunately, as it was the voice of the unions, that the cunt in question all but destroyed.
Of course different parties benefit people in different positions and we vote for those specific parties because at the end of the day the majority of people are somewhat selfish and will do what they believe is best for themselves and their families.I despise most politician though, they're 95% cunts. Especially those useless liberal wankers. I firmly believe that most politicians are in it not for the betterment of society as a whole but because they're arrogant self-serving and power craving loons.

That's the basis of Thatcher's view that there is no such thing as society.
BBC reporting that she will not have a state funeral. Kinda answered my own question.

I wonder were here corpse is? Lying in state? Somewhere the Bullingdon lizards can break in and fill her up like a chicken kiev?
That's cos Labour no longer exists, unfortunately, as it was the voice of the unions, that the cunt in question all but destroyed.

Ok, so people would have been happy with people like Derek Hatton? Or Arthur Scargill? Or Ken Livingstone? Another set of hateful cunts from the left wing who would have made sure all of us would have contributed to everyone else whilst living like fucking kings themselves.

Fuck it! When Arthur Scargill goes, I'm having a party. I'll be on my own now Thatcher's dead but he was a fucking awful cunt in many people's eyes too, who also destroyed people's lives purely and simply down to his own ego - his political leanings were a distraction. See how he milks the NUM now even though their membership is greatly reduced and still expects his £1m flat in London to be kept for him at no expense to him, despite his beautiful cottage that he owns outright near his hometown.

Have a party when he dies? Nah, I've no intention of sinking to the hateful cunts level.....

Dont get me started on the unions. Self serving to the higher echelons most of the time. Destroying this country as much as Thatcher tried to imo.
Who's this cunt on the BBC now... 'She really did change things'

Oh great.. so did Hitler and Stalin.
Well personally that is my preffered response. Let them relocate to more prosperous areas. It's somewhat unfortunate for them but the miners in particular should've seen it coming: the industry was on its knees long before it finally got killed off by Thatcher.

Better for people to learn that they have to take responsibility for themselves and their families rather than being subsidised to live a certain way by other people. Painful at first, liberating and dignifying in the end.

Which of course is an option to people. The potential downside then being you'll get such prosperous areas then overloaded with a comparably cheaper workforce that will undermine the current prosperity of said area.
I've no problem with unions existing and doing their best for their members, so long as they don't have any special priveleges, but can we not acknowledge that a major aim of theirs is to make it harder for unemployed people wanting to enter a certain trade, in order to maintain and increase their members' earnings? They're not fucking Santa Claus.
I'm definitely not one to rejoice in another's death, but fuck her. I won't be losing any sleep over her. The Hillsborough cover-up alone, is enough to put me off the bitch.
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