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Pre Match Luton (H) - Wed 19:30

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It's worth remembering The Boy has had a lot of game time compared to Foden at a similar age. You might think that advances him but it probably also highlights his early deficiencies. Foden was very carefully managed by City. The Boy is 21 in 2 months, Foden is 24 around the same time.
Quansah is just 21, Gravy is still 21, Bradley is 20. These guys are doing well.
Slobs is 23, Konate is 24, Mac Allister 25, Curtis recently 23, Gakpo 24, that's not bad that.
What impressed me the most was Robbo winning the ball back.
He's obviously a lot fresher than the others due to that 4 month rest mid season. Hope keeps it up, we're going to need it.

Come to think of it, I really hope we can keep the cup and title run going so the other injured players have the opportunity to give us a similar boost in the final months of the season.
Surely one thing to put to bed is Gomez's worth. Here's a bloke, taken stick, but can play any backline position to 7/10. That's fairly invaluable as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, he's not the best at anything. But, Rb, Lb, Cb, for 7/10 every time, he's worth it. He was ace at Lb before the recent swaps when Robbo came back. Keep that fucker, I don't care what anyone else says.
Yep. So we can lose this high and become morossly depressed at the number of injures we have and how we're going to lose to Chelsea because of that. 😢

I think this game was the perfect prep for Sunday. We still have plenty of rest for those who played and we will have more bench options too.

Look at yesterday’s team and start Robbo, Konate & Mo and it’s going to look vastly different.
I think this game was the perfect prep for Sunday. We still have plenty of rest for those who played and we will have more bench options too.

Look at yesterday’s team and start Robbo, Konate & Mo and it’s going to look vastly different.
What!? No Nunez? 😱
A quick ratings but the Jekyll and Hyde nature of the game means it's worth a split 1H / 2H for some players (overall rating isn't as simple as adding and dividing by 2).

Kelleher 6.5
Bradley 7
Quansah 7.5
Virgil 8.5
Gomez 7
Endo 7.5
Mac 7 / 9 (overall 8.5 & MotM because of the 2 assists and the 2H was a higher value dive)
Gravy 7
The Boy 5 / 9 (that 2H may just have been his best ever 45 mins for us). Overall 7.5
Gakpo overall 7.5 (1H 6 and 2H 8)
Diaz 7.5 (very difficult to rate as some of his efforts were awful but he kept going and in the end it was an early Donkey-like performance).
Robbo 7
Clark 6
Dann 8

1. Macca
2. Virgil
3. Diaz
Last edited:
The ratings from @momoWASboss favourite podcast dropped into my inbox this morning, for the first time in ages, and they made me chuckle, so thought I'd post them:-

AHH man, that’s what it is all about.

The 25 minutes after half time, Anfield was feral. Like a wild beast. An organism. A flock of starlings. A fucking murmuration; an angry, snarling, horrible murmuration of fans and players flying into everything, as one.

Every move instinctive, reactive, coordinated and, ultimately, fucking joyous. A fanbase acutely aware of the players need for support, of the team decimated by injuries needing a win. An 11 that ran harder, faster, stronger than any cunt before or since, who took no as a non-answer and just scratched yes lad into their very being.

That 20 minutes was Jürgen Klopp’s Liverpool at its very best and, my god, is it good. As good a win as you will see anywhere and I couldn’t care fucking less that it was only Luton.

Kelleher: 6

Imagine you meet the best bird you have ever met, you are maybe punching a bit, but lad, you are a solid seven out of 10, sound, got a good job. Prospects on the up, and things are going well. Six months everyone’s happy. You have plans. Little holiday here, possible little move-in there, maybe a little proposal there.

And then you go to a family party and meet her long-term ex, who is fucking Alisson Becker, a rockstar. Turns up in a tux, the cunt. Her ma loves him. The dad is buying all his ale. Arm round his neck, tie round his head, propping up the bar. Reminiscing. And you are in the corner with your loafers and chinos on. Polite and nice and shit at dancing.

Feel sorry for him really because how the fuck do you replace the greatest keeper in Liverpool’s history and not get slaughtered for not being as good? Would Alisson have saved the first shot for their goal? Yes.

But remember that fucker before him who went unconscious in a European Cup final and did a overhead kick for Bale or whatever, this fella is well better than him. And the absolute bastard before him who made himself narrower on a one-on-one and got up after he had conceded a goal like an old man who had fallen over at the bus stop? Christ, he couldn’t lace his boots.

Perspective is a mad thing.

Bradley: 8

Speaking of perspective, he may be the greatest full back in Europe. I’m not sure he played that well first half, but second half he is in the murmuration, right in the middle. Flicking his beak and all kinds are following him. Love that we were saving his legs for the final. Imagine him up and down that Wembley wing.

Virgil: 9

A man who frankly took exception to being jostled about with the manner and reaction of the Big Show getting slapped in the chops in the lobster pot, by a fella from St Helens. Fuck this, frankly.

Won everything and then figures out a little decoy for the corners, flings off his wrestlers like Arnie and bullets the first. He is bringing a will power to this team all on his own. Amazing.

Found himself upfront for a bit and looked insanely big, like someone had lashed a kit on a horse and taught it how to run on its back legs.

Quansah: 8

He just looks like a really good centre half playing in the best team in the league.

Joe Gomez: 7

Docked him a point because the crowd keep telling him to shoot and honestly it might put me in a grave.

I couldn’t believe the one in the first half. Honestly Joe, don’t fucking shoot mate, you aren’t very good at it, take no notice frankly of these dopey fuckers in the ground.

Honest to god, I couldn’t care less if he scores a hundred or none.

Endo: 9

I just love him to bits. With his little gumshield, all polite and respectful and he might just kick your cock off really apologetically, and then help you look for it while stomping it into the turf.

What a footballer. He is the one player I tell my lad to watch to learn how to play the game. He’s all angles and simplicity, and positioning, and brains, and thought, and tempo, and guile and, well, everything. What a signing.

Big Jorg, come in bought some boys, had a ciggy, shut his laptop, went the beach for six months, and stole this fella while working from home.

Mac Allister: 9

Great today. Really aggressive and calm and clever.

Would like him to get a skin head or grow his hair out. I don’t think his current effort suits him. Makes me uneasy. Puts me off him.

Gravenberch: 8

Great today. Really great close control, impressive work rate, did everything asked of him and more. One of his best displays for The Reds.

Elliott: 9

I’m not sure ive seen many players work harder than he did today. He didn’t stop running, whether it was working for him or not. Second half, he gets the rewards for his efforts, but seriously impressive today. Great finish.

Diaz: 8

Was both a constant threat first half and a fucking hindrance, in that his movement was great and really stretched them on the long ball. But then his decision making, first touch and overall play was so bad that he turned three certain goals for -- I don’t know -- Jota into a corner, a goal kick and loss of the ball.

Better second half, seemed a bit calmer, more relaxed. Great finish for his goal. Could have scored five.

Gakpo: 9

See Elliott in terms of work rate. Unreal graft. So pivotal to everything The Reds did today, really, in an attacking sense. Ran himself into the ground. The second goal, honestly, up there with the best moments under Jürgen for me. It went off.



Just come on and looked at his best which is very very fucking good.

Loads of kids come on and honestly they were all fucking boss. The lad upfront, Danns, what a player he is going to be. Just looks like he has got something about him. The kid in midfield, comes on and looks at ease. Like he has played 20 games for The Reds. I can’t even remember his fucking name here. McConnell?

There was a time last year when The Reds looked repeatedly like a poorly coached team. This year, we are making changes, massive changes to the team and we look the same. The fucking same. What an effort from Jürgen and his boys.

On to Wembley. Play the fucking kids.

A quick ratings but the Jekyll and Hyde nature of the game means it's worth a split 1H / 2H for some players (overall rating isn't as simple as adding and dividing by 2).

Kelleher 6.5
Bradley 7
Quansah 7.5
Virgil 8.5
Gomez 7
Endo 7.5
Mac 7 / 9 (overall 8.5 & MotM because of the 2 assists and the 2H was a higher value dive)
The Boy 5 / 9 (that 2H may just have been his best ever 45 mins for us). Overall 7.5
Gakpo overall 7.5 (1H 6 and 2H 8)
Diaz 7.5 (very difficult to rate as some of his efforts were awful but he kept going and in the end it was an early Donkey-like performance).
Robbo 7
Clark 6
Dann 8

1. Macca
2. Virgil
3. Diaz
Danns, what a cameo. That turn and weighted pass. Crikey.

The commentator over here (former manager and with the national team and youth set up), was just in awe of him. Generally stunned by how he moved and his awareness.

Hope we see more of him against Soton. Could be another gem.
The ratings from @momoWASboss favourite podcast dropped into my inbox this morning, for the first time in ages, and they made me chuckle, so thought I'd post them:-

AHH man, that’s what it is all about.

The 25 minutes after half time, Anfield was feral. Like a wild beast. An organism. A flock of starlings. A fucking murmuration; an angry, snarling, horrible murmuration of fans and players flying into everything, as one.

Every move instinctive, reactive, coordinated and, ultimately, fucking joyous. A fanbase acutely aware of the players need for support, of the team decimated by injuries needing a win. An 11 that ran harder, faster, stronger than any cunt before or since, who took no as a non-answer and just scratched yes lad into their very being.

That 20 minutes was Jürgen Klopp’s Liverpool at its very best and, my god, is it good. As good a win as you will see anywhere and I couldn’t care fucking less that it was only Luton.

Kelleher: 6

Imagine you meet the best bird you have ever met, you are maybe punching a bit, but lad, you are a solid seven out of 10, sound, got a good job. Prospects on the up, and things are going well. Six months everyone’s happy. You have plans. Little holiday here, possible little move-in there, maybe a little proposal there.

And then you go to a family party and meet her long-term ex, who is fucking Alisson Becker, a rockstar. Turns up in a tux, the cunt. Her ma loves him. The dad is buying all his ale. Arm round his neck, tie round his head, propping up the bar. Reminiscing. And you are in the corner with your loafers and chinos on. Polite and nice and shit at dancing.

Feel sorry for him really because how the fuck do you replace the greatest keeper in Liverpool’s history and not get slaughtered for not being as good? Would Alisson have saved the first shot for their goal? Yes.

But remember that fucker before him who went unconscious in a European Cup final and did a overhead kick for Bale or whatever, this fella is well better than him. And the absolute bastard before him who made himself narrower on a one-on-one and got up after he had conceded a goal like an old man who had fallen over at the bus stop? Christ, he couldn’t lace his boots.

Perspective is a mad thing.

Bradley: 8

Speaking of perspective, he may be the greatest full back in Europe. I’m not sure he played that well first half, but second half he is in the murmuration, right in the middle. Flicking his beak and all kinds are following him. Love that we were saving his legs for the final. Imagine him up and down that Wembley wing.

Virgil: 9

A man who frankly took exception to being jostled about with the manner and reaction of the Big Show getting slapped in the chops in the lobster pot, by a fella from St Helens. Fuck this, frankly.

Won everything and then figures out a little decoy for the corners, flings off his wrestlers like Arnie and bullets the first. He is bringing a will power to this team all on his own. Amazing.

Found himself upfront for a bit and looked insanely big, like someone had lashed a kit on a horse and taught it how to run on its back legs.

Quansah: 8

He just looks like a really good centre half playing in the best team in the league.

Joe Gomez: 7

Docked him a point because the crowd keep telling him to shoot and honestly it might put me in a grave.

I couldn’t believe the one in the first half. Honestly Joe, don’t fucking shoot mate, you aren’t very good at it, take no notice frankly of these dopey fuckers in the ground.

Honest to god, I couldn’t care less if he scores a hundred or none.

Endo: 9

I just love him to bits. With his little gumshield, all polite and respectful and he might just kick your cock off really apologetically, and then help you look for it while stomping it into the turf.

What a footballer. He is the one player I tell my lad to watch to learn how to play the game. He’s all angles and simplicity, and positioning, and brains, and thought, and tempo, and guile and, well, everything. What a signing.

Big Jorg, come in bought some boys, had a ciggy, shut his laptop, went the beach for six months, and stole this fella while working from home.

Mac Allister: 9

Great today. Really aggressive and calm and clever.

Would like him to get a skin head or grow his hair out. I don’t think his current effort suits him. Makes me uneasy. Puts me off him.

Gravenberch: 8

Great today. Really great close control, impressive work rate, did everything asked of him and more. One of his best displays for The Reds.

Elliott: 9

I’m not sure ive seen many players work harder than he did today. He didn’t stop running, whether it was working for him or not. Second half, he gets the rewards for his efforts, but seriously impressive today. Great finish.

Diaz: 8

Was both a constant threat first half and a fucking hindrance, in that his movement was great and really stretched them on the long ball. But then his decision making, first touch and overall play was so bad that he turned three certain goals for -- I don’t know -- Jota into a corner, a goal kick and loss of the ball.

Better second half, seemed a bit calmer, more relaxed. Great finish for his goal. Could have scored five.

Gakpo: 9

See Elliott in terms of work rate. Unreal graft. So pivotal to everything The Reds did today, really, in an attacking sense. Ran himself into the ground. The second goal, honestly, up there with the best moments under Jürgen for me. It went off.



Just come on and looked at his best which is very very fucking good.

Loads of kids come on and honestly they were all fucking boss. The lad upfront, Danns, what a player he is going to be. Just looks like he has got something about him. The kid in midfield, comes on and looks at ease. Like he has played 20 games for The Reds. I can’t even remember his fucking name here. McConnell?

There was a time last year when The Reds looked repeatedly like a poorly coached team. This year, we are making changes, massive changes to the team and we look the same. The fucking same. What an effort from Jürgen and his boys.

On to Wembley. Play the fucking kids.

Haha ROFL - hilarious. Read the Kells, Bradders, Endo, Diaz and Gomez sections. Or just read the lot.
Danns, what a cameo. That turn and weighted pass. Crikey.

The commentator over here (former manager and with the national team and youth set up), was just in awe of him. Generally stunned by how he moved and his awareness.

Hope we see more of him against Soton. Could be another gem.

Hopefully he'll get another one or two appearances this season.

There was a really nice moment at the end when both Klopp and the Luton manager went over to him together and congratulated him.
The ratings from @momoWASboss favourite podcast dropped into my inbox this morning, for the first time in ages, and they made me chuckle, so thought I'd post them:-

AHH man, that’s what it is all about.

The 25 minutes after half time, Anfield was feral. Like a wild beast. An organism. A flock of starlings. A fucking murmuration; an angry, snarling, horrible murmuration of fans and players flying into everything, as one.

Every move instinctive, reactive, coordinated and, ultimately, fucking joyous. A fanbase acutely aware of the players need for support, of the team decimated by injuries needing a win. An 11 that ran harder, faster, stronger than any cunt before or since, who took no as a non-answer and just scratched yes lad into their very being.

That 20 minutes was Jürgen Klopp’s Liverpool at its very best and, my god, is it good. As good a win as you will see anywhere and I couldn’t care fucking less that it was only Luton.

Kelleher: 6

Imagine you meet the best bird you have ever met, you are maybe punching a bit, but lad, you are a solid seven out of 10, sound, got a good job. Prospects on the up, and things are going well. Six months everyone’s happy. You have plans. Little holiday here, possible little move-in there, maybe a little proposal there.

And then you go to a family party and meet her long-term ex, who is fucking Alisson Becker, a rockstar. Turns up in a tux, the cunt. Her ma loves him. The dad is buying all his ale. Arm round his neck, tie round his head, propping up the bar. Reminiscing. And you are in the corner with your loafers and chinos on. Polite and nice and shit at dancing.

Feel sorry for him really because how the fuck do you replace the greatest keeper in Liverpool’s history and not get slaughtered for not being as good? Would Alisson have saved the first shot for their goal? Yes.

But remember that fucker before him who went unconscious in a European Cup final and did a overhead kick for Bale or whatever, this fella is well better than him. And the absolute bastard before him who made himself narrower on a one-on-one and got up after he had conceded a goal like an old man who had fallen over at the bus stop? Christ, he couldn’t lace his boots.

Perspective is a mad thing.
That Kelleher bit is absolute gold.
Surely one thing to put to bed is Gomez's worth. Here's a bloke, taken stick, but can play any backline position to 7/10. That's fairly invaluable as far as I'm concerned. Yeah, he's not the best at anything. But, Rb, Lb, Cb, for 7/10 every time, he's worth it. He was ace at Lb before the recent swaps when Robbo came back. Keep that fucker, I don't care what anyone else says.

Thinking to myself during the game that when you consider transfer fee vs longetivity and contribution... he's right up there.
Elliott's performance in the second half was a complete contrast to the first, but he wasn't the only one. It was six of one half a dozen of the other yesterday between midfield and attack (and fullbacks).

In the first half we lacked width and didn't get beyond the fullback in the final third, the midfield were trying to force runs that weren't there and the forward line reverted to the mentality we had against United at home, in opting for 25 yard punts that weren't threatening anyone. On the occasions we did get beyond Luton in the first half, we lacked conviction and confidence - Diaz, Elliott and Gapko were all guilty of this.

What we do know about this team is that Klopp is the best manager in the league at reshaping things at half time, without needing to make personnel changes. He adjusted the tactics and all of the aforementioned things that we weren't doing, started to happen. The strikers made the right runs, the midfield had focal points to aim for, Diaz and Gapko shielded the ball better to wait for support and the fullbacks got more involved higher up the pitch.

All in all, it was a game of two halves to quote the age old cliche. We were low in confidence in the first and didn't look like we could buy a goal, in the second we looked full of goals. Sometimes it's not the personnel (we'd have happily subbed off most of the team at halftime), it's the ability to adjust and to raise the game. We did both in the second half and the players looked worth the faith they were shown. The kids were ace too!
The ratings from @momoWASboss favourite podcast dropped into my inbox this morning, for the first time in ages, and they made me chuckle, so thought I'd post them:-

AHH man, that’s what it is all about.

The 25 minutes after half time, Anfield was feral. Like a wild beast. An organism. A flock of starlings. A fucking murmuration; an angry, snarling, horrible murmuration of fans and players flying into everything, as one.

Every move instinctive, reactive, coordinated and, ultimately, fucking joyous. A fanbase acutely aware of the players need for support, of the team decimated by injuries needing a win. An 11 that ran harder, faster, stronger than any cunt before or since, who took no as a non-answer and just scratched yes lad into their very being.

That 20 minutes was Jürgen Klopp’s Liverpool at its very best and, my god, is it good. As good a win as you will see anywhere and I couldn’t care fucking less that it was only Luton.

Kelleher: 6

Imagine you meet the best bird you have ever met, you are maybe punching a bit, but lad, you are a solid seven out of 10, sound, got a good job. Prospects on the up, and things are going well. Six months everyone’s happy. You have plans. Little holiday here, possible little move-in there, maybe a little proposal there.

And then you go to a family party and meet her long-term ex, who is fucking Alisson Becker, a rockstar. Turns up in a tux, the cunt. Her ma loves him. The dad is buying all his ale. Arm round his neck, tie round his head, propping up the bar. Reminiscing. And you are in the corner with your loafers and chinos on. Polite and nice and shit at dancing.

Feel sorry for him really because how the fuck do you replace the greatest keeper in Liverpool’s history and not get slaughtered for not being as good? Would Alisson have saved the first shot for their goal? Yes.

But remember that fucker before him who went unconscious in a European Cup final and did a overhead kick for Bale or whatever, this fella is well better than him. And the absolute bastard before him who made himself narrower on a one-on-one and got up after he had conceded a goal like an old man who had fallen over at the bus stop? Christ, he couldn’t lace his boots.

Perspective is a mad thing.

Bradley: 8

Speaking of perspective, he may be the greatest full back in Europe. I’m not sure he played that well first half, but second half he is in the murmuration, right in the middle. Flicking his beak and all kinds are following him. Love that we were saving his legs for the final. Imagine him up and down that Wembley wing.

Virgil: 9

A man who frankly took exception to being jostled about with the manner and reaction of the Big Show getting slapped in the chops in the lobster pot, by a fella from St Helens. Fuck this, frankly.

Won everything and then figures out a little decoy for the corners, flings off his wrestlers like Arnie and bullets the first. He is bringing a will power to this team all on his own. Amazing.

Found himself upfront for a bit and looked insanely big, like someone had lashed a kit on a horse and taught it how to run on its back legs.

Quansah: 8

He just looks like a really good centre half playing in the best team in the league.

Joe Gomez: 7

Docked him a point because the crowd keep telling him to shoot and honestly it might put me in a grave.

I couldn’t believe the one in the first half. Honestly Joe, don’t fucking shoot mate, you aren’t very good at it, take no notice frankly of these dopey fuckers in the ground.

Honest to god, I couldn’t care less if he scores a hundred or none.

Endo: 9

I just love him to bits. With his little gumshield, all polite and respectful and he might just kick your cock off really apologetically, and then help you look for it while stomping it into the turf.

What a footballer. He is the one player I tell my lad to watch to learn how to play the game. He’s all angles and simplicity, and positioning, and brains, and thought, and tempo, and guile and, well, everything. What a signing.

Big Jorg, come in bought some boys, had a ciggy, shut his laptop, went the beach for six months, and stole this fella while working from home.

Mac Allister: 9

Great today. Really aggressive and calm and clever.

Would like him to get a skin head or grow his hair out. I don’t think his current effort suits him. Makes me uneasy. Puts me off him.

Gravenberch: 8

Great today. Really great close control, impressive work rate, did everything asked of him and more. One of his best displays for The Reds.

Elliott: 9

I’m not sure ive seen many players work harder than he did today. He didn’t stop running, whether it was working for him or not. Second half, he gets the rewards for his efforts, but seriously impressive today. Great finish.

Diaz: 8

Was both a constant threat first half and a fucking hindrance, in that his movement was great and really stretched them on the long ball. But then his decision making, first touch and overall play was so bad that he turned three certain goals for -- I don’t know -- Jota into a corner, a goal kick and loss of the ball.

Better second half, seemed a bit calmer, more relaxed. Great finish for his goal. Could have scored five.

Gakpo: 9

See Elliott in terms of work rate. Unreal graft. So pivotal to everything The Reds did today, really, in an attacking sense. Ran himself into the ground. The second goal, honestly, up there with the best moments under Jürgen for me. It went off.



Just come on and looked at his best which is very very fucking good.

Loads of kids come on and honestly they were all fucking boss. The lad upfront, Danns, what a player he is going to be. Just looks like he has got something about him. The kid in midfield, comes on and looks at ease. Like he has played 20 games for The Reds. I can’t even remember his fucking name here. McConnell?

There was a time last year when The Reds looked repeatedly like a poorly coached team. This year, we are making changes, massive changes to the team and we look the same. The fucking same. What an effort from Jürgen and his boys.

On to Wembley. Play the fucking kids.

This bit made me laugh. 😂

Big Jorg, come in bought some boys, had a ciggy, shut his laptop, went the beach for six months, and stole this fella while working from home.

Elliott's performance in the second half was a complete contrast to the first, but he wasn't the only one. It was six of one half a dozen of the other yesterday between midfield and attack (and fullbacks).

In the first half we lacked width and didn't get beyond the fullback in the final third, the midfield were trying to force runs that weren't there and the forward line reverted to the mentality we had against United at home, in opting for 25 yard punts that weren't threatening anyone. On the occasions we did get beyond Luton in the first half, we lacked conviction and confidence - Diaz, Elliott and Gapko were all guilty of this.

What we do know about this team is that Klopp is the best manager in the league at reshaping things at half time, without needing to make personnel changes. He adjusted the tactics and all of the aforementioned things that we weren't doing, started to happen. The strikers made the right runs, the midfield had focal points to aim for, Diaz and Gapko shielded the ball better to wait for support and the fullbacks got more involved higher up the pitch.

All in all, it was a game of two halves to quote the age old cliche. We were low in confidence in the first and didn't look like we could buy a goal, in the second we looked full of goals. Sometimes it's not the personnel (we'd have happily subbed off most of the team at halftime), it's the ability to adjust and to raise the game. We did both in the second half and the players looked worth the faith they were shown. The kids were ace too!

See I still feel The Boy is getting unfairly maligned for the first half. He consistently created opportunities for people, and was let down by poor finishing or bad decision making. There were a couple of times where he was outpaced, and there's no shame in that as they have quick full backs. There was one pass he could have done better with, and one opportunity that fell.to him, but the pass was underfoot.

I thought he was excellent all game

Gakpo was fine first half but too deep. Second half you could see he was more a tip of the spear, and that helped a lot. Diaz spurned glorious chances first and second half, so you could argue he was a constant thorn for them; he just kept breaking down attacks, bar the third goal.

We didn't do much wrong first half, we just weren't clicking. We just needed a goal to remove the nerves. I don't know why it took our 30th corner for van dijk to attack the ball like that, but it worked out.

Yesterday it should have been 4-1 by half time
See I still feel The Boy is getting unfairly maligned for the first half. He consistently created opportunities for people, and was let down by poor finishing or bad decision making. There were a couple of times where he was outpaced, and there's no shame in that as they have quick full backs. There was one pass he could have done better with, and one opportunity that fell.to him, but the pass was underfoot.

I thought he was excellent all game

Gakpo was fine first half but too deep. Second half you could see he was more a tip of the spear, and that helped a lot. Diaz spurned glorious chances first and second half, so you could argue he was a constant thorn for them; he just kept breaking down attacks, bar the third goal.

We didn't do much wrong first half, we just weren't clicking. We just needed a goal to remove the nerves. I don't know why it took our 30th corner for van dijk to attack the ball like that, but it worked out.

Yesterday it should have been 4-1 by half time

Agree with much of that, but I love The Boy and even I was frustrated with him in the first half, I didn't feel like much went right for him and he made quite a few bad choices. He was much better in the second and what is never questionable is his attitude and workrate. He's a gem.
Class act:

Luton boss Rob Edwards says his side were "suffocated" by Liverpool in the second-half of their 4-1 defeat at Anfield on Wednesday night.

The Hatters led 1-0 at half-time but were overrun after the break with Jurgen Klopp's team scoring four times without reply.

"We just made them angry I think didn't we," Edwards said post-match.

"Second-half I think we just saw Anfield, saw Liverpool, saw that full-throttle football. Their counter-pressing was incredible, suffocated us.

"Fans were amazing and it was probably difficult for the players to really concentrate. The real threat came from their counter-pressing, their intensity, it really put us on the back foot.

"Clearly I'm disappointed to concede from a corner and a throw in as well, those are the bits we know we can improve on, especially in that noise when your mate next to you can't hear you. You've got to be able to deal with those situations better.

"But, bigger and better teams have come here and that's sort of happened to them as well so it's not a disgrace.

"It was like the Kop was just sucking it in and we couldn't really get out. We saw Anfield and Liverpool at it's best, I thought they were brilliant."
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