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Maureen – utter helmet (again)

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Silver Sean

Very Well-Known
So his £200 million team have just been handed its arses having been 2-0 up at home by a team that cost £7,500, and this fucking cunt does his 'shake hands and disappear down the tunnel' trick. Or tries to. Then he turns the post match talk all about how 'classy' he is (the people using this word in regards to this twat really need a better dictionary) by going into their dressing room and shaking everyone's hand and giving £20K to the fire disaster fund. As opposed to everyone talking about what a total dog's cock he made of the game and how his team were destroyed.
I think in all his bullshit/eye-gouging/shithouse moaning/arrogance time this might just be the most cynical and transparent thing he's ever done. I just wish fans and journalists would actually start recognising the reality of the man.
As you might have gathered, I'm not a fan.
That's OK - he's got more than enough love for himself to make up for it. 😉

I'd just enter a note of caution, though, about the genuineness or otherwise of what he did. I'm remembering the unforgettable night at Anfield for the second leg of the CL semi in 2005, and the way he shook every Liverpool player's hand as we were coming off the pitch at the end. I can't disagree with any of the criticism you make of him, but I don't think he's as one-dimensional as you (understandably) think he is.
Whatever he did after the game doesn't make up for him trying that pathetic 'I'm off early' gesture while it was still going on. He's like a creature that's emerged from the pages of Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan: every action - even ostensibly selfless ones - can seemingly be traced back to some base and self serving motive, whether it's using a show of good manners to deflect from censure elsewhere, or the occasional self-criticism to really signal some grievance with Abramovich. With Rodgers it's an eagerness to distract him from start to finish during games with a repertory of hugs, chuckles and chats. Other managers should shun him like the plague.
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Sadly there is a media agenda against Mourinho ( sure he doesn't help himself).

It's not mentioned that after the game he went into the Bradford changing room and shook every player's hand and congratulated them and in his post-match interview he was at pains to stress the result was as much about Bradford playing well rather than Chelsea playing bad.
Sadly there is a media agenda against Mourinho ( sure he doesn't help himself).

It's not mentioned that after the game he went into the Bradford changing room and shook every player's hand and congratulated them and in his post-match interview he was at pains to stress the result was as much about Bradford playing well rather than Chelsea playing bad.
Joke post?
Sadly there is a media agenda against Mourinho ( sure he doesn't help himself).

It's not mentioned that after the game he went into the Bradford changing room and shook every player's hand and congratulated them and in his post-match interview he was at pains to stress the result was as much about Bradford playing well rather than Chelsea playing bad.

That was mentioned just about everywhere - Sky Sports News, MOTD, Goals on Sunday and just about every paper.
He's alluding to a thin squad now...

However, in comments certain to cause ructions within the squad, he added: “It is easy for you to understand now why I play almost every game with the same players. “I don't make many changes. I try to keep stability in the team. “Maybe now you can understand a bit better why. I don't want to speak too much about it. This is my squad – let's move on.”
That was mentioned just about everywhere - Sky Sports News, MOTD, Goals on Sunday and just about every paper.

my mistake, don't follow the mainstream sports media often, thought it had been neglected. the point stands that Mourinho is not some football bogeyman
my mistake, don't follow the mainstream sports media often, thought it had been neglected. the point stands that Mourinho is not some football bogeyman

I don't know what being a football bogeyman means, but Mourinho certainly is a calculating, self-promoting, self-aggrandising, media-savvy wanker whose every move is well thought out. It's no wonder he is so happy to manage here because we provide a media that laps it up, because copy is more important than actually telling it like it is.
The poor bloke who managed the other side, in every interview I saw after the game, was made to spend just as long answering questions like, 'What was it like to have Jose visit the dressing room?' and 'What did he say to your players?' as he did to actually talk about himself, his tactics and his players. It was patronising in the extreme.
Whatever he did after the game doesn't make up for him trying that pathetic 'I'm off early' gesture while it was still going on. He's like a creature that's emerged from the pages of Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan: every action - even ostensibly selfless ones - can seemingly be traced back to some base and self serving motive, whether it's using a show of good manners to deflect from censure elsewhere, or the occasional self-criticism to really signal some grievance with Abramovich. With Rodgers it's an eagerness to distract him from start to finish during games with a repertory of hugs, chuckles and chats. Other managers should shun him like the plague.

Totally agree with this.
The poor bloke who managed the other side, in every interview I saw after the game, was made to spend just as long answering questions like, 'What was it like to have Jose visit the dressing room?' and 'What did he say to your players?' as he did to actually talk about himself, his tactics and his players. It was patronising in the extreme.

Steve Bruce and John Carver don't help with this, fawning as they do over Mourinho. I don't know what they expect to get out of it.
'The thin squad' argument made me laugh.. It just smacked of utter cuntishness

Don't they have a pick of thirty odd players out on loan ? Surely they could recall 1 or 2 if his squad is that thin..
Typical Chelsea shitting it. Now they want Sterling apparently, they can get fucked.

I think I hate them more than Everton and United.
Dreamy think he's mint.
I knew you were gonna post that. You do in every Mourinho thread. Oh Ryan, when did it all become so predictable. Ha.

I agree though. Liking Mourinho is ridiculous. He's a bell.
I was reading an article on espn earlier about him this season, he's not in conflict with Rodgers or Van Gaal because he gets on with them, Wenger isn't reacting to him and Pellegrini doesn't bother. So the theory was that that he has started poking his own fans because he absolutely needs some adversity happening.

He brought up the Gerrard slip song being shit, Stamford Bridge being silent and asked the fans to provide just 25% of the emotion Anfield gives Liverpool. Maybe he genuinely wants a good atmosphere or like the article said he has a need to create drama because that's what he's comfortable with.
EPL is definitely more interesting with Mourinho in it. And whatever you think about his personality, tactically he's one of the best managers in the world.
Tactically I agree you can't deny he's one of the best. I just wonder - and maybe this is just my bias against him speaking - but does he really have that much of a challenge? He makes very cold, clear, calm tactical decisions, but they're rarely THAT surprising or inventive. It's almost like he consults a textbook: 'Ah yes, that's how you play this team...' and then he executes it really, really, well. I just think he seems to be surrounded by a few who know what he's going to do and refuse to combat him out of sheer stubbornness, and many more who seem dazzled by his reputation. You have to respect the clinical nature of his approach, but does he ever make you gasp at his invention?
It's not the 'EPL'! It's just the league.

And I agree, he's (usually) an excellent tactician. I'd much prefer it if he fucked off elsewhere or retired though, simply cos he's a cunt.
Tactically I agree you can't deny he's one of the best. I just wonder - and maybe this is just my bias against him speaking - but does he really have that much of a challenge? He makes very cold, clear, calm tactical decisions, but they're rarely THAT surprising or inventive. It's almost like he consults a textbook: 'Ah yes, that's how you play this team...' and then he executes it really, really, well. I just think he seems to be surrounded by a few who know what he's going to do and refuse to combat him out of sheer stubbornness, and many more who seem dazzled by his reputation. You have to respect the clinical nature of his approach, but does he ever make you gasp at his invention?

I'd agree with that. When we played them at the end of last season for example, he set his team up to not lose and grab a win if possible. It was executed perfectly but it wasn't amazing, maybe Rodgers should have seen it coming.

I think I'm pretty biased against him also but I have to concede that I think what he gets out of his players is fantastic. He picks his jobs well, he's always able to come in and play championship manager in real life with a lot of funds but he never fails to make a really competitive side from the players he purchases.
Tactically I agree you can't deny he's one of the best. I just wonder - and maybe this is just my bias against him speaking - but does he really have that much of a challenge? He makes very cold, clear, calm tactical decisions, but they're rarely THAT surprising or inventive. It's almost like he consults a textbook: 'Ah yes, that's how you play this team...' and then he executes it really, really, well. I just think he seems to be surrounded by a few who know what he's going to do and refuse to combat him out of sheer stubbornness, and many more who seem dazzled by his reputation. You have to respect the clinical nature of his approach, but does he ever make you gasp at his invention?

Well, maybe the mark of greatness is doing the simple things well – or making them seem simple. How many times has Rafa outwitted himself and lost? Even an all-around great coach like Guardiola is guilty of that at times. Mourinho's management style is fundamentally logical and solid – strong, organized defense, best counter-attacks in the world and "the whole world is against us" type of psychological motivation for players – and it works pretty consistently. I don't like everything about Mourinho – not even close – but one quality I do like about him is that he has the balls to make correct, but unpopular decisions. Like getting rid of Mata who was Chelsea's best player for 2 seasons, but didn't fit into the style of a new, much more efficient and ruthless team that he was building.

Mourinho is inventive in a different way – like being able to see and exploit an opposition weakness quicker than anybody else (remember Man U - Madrid a couple of years ago? Fergusson did everything right, but was a bit slow to react to Mourinho's tactical switch and by the time he plugged the hole, Real has turned the tie around). His teams are difficult to beat and when you do, it's a lot more satisfying, because you know you've been tested and you passed the test.
In his first season or so he had great novelty value but now he is just a disrespectful, self absorbed thunder cunt.
I knew you were gonna post that. You do in every Mourinho thread. Oh Ryan, when did it all become so predictable. Ha.

I agree though. Liking Mourinho is ridiculous. He's a bell.

He wins titles everywhere he goes. Being a cock doesn't really come into it.

He's the best coach out there and for that I'll always admire him.
I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt & assume you chose your words badly.

I would have said 'respected his achievements as a manager', which you can do without admiring the man; the snide comments; the thinly veiled excuses; the ego; the idea he's bigger than the team; the ball holding to waste time; the fighting with other managers; the digs at ball boys, & the eye gouging.
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