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Did his goal today remind anyone of that goal by Bergkamp against Leicester?

*goes off to Youtube*

Actually it reminded me of that goal by Bergkamp against Argentina.

Either way, he's in the same class IMO which is a remarkable feat of itself.
This guy is putting in world class performances almost every time he takes the field right now.

And he's answering some of those "not a goalscorer" claims as well.

The fact that he keeps on going, never stops working and never stops making things happen week in, week out despite not getting his just rewards (points on the board) says a lot about his character.

Is he keeping Rodgers in a job?

I love his passion for the game - he just loves it like a little kid. I feared the Evra affair might have destroyed that but no sign of it this season.

The bold bit is the only issue I have with the post; he scores some wonderful goals but he's not a natural goals scorer IMO - or at least not a poacher. When he's presented with the chance to just put it in the back of the net he seems to invariably fail. It's like he has to be involved in the lead up in order to be in tune with what has to be done to hit the net.

With the number of chances we create in front of goal I think an RVN or a young Owen would be well into double figures by now - and hardly taken any of the chances that Luis has scored from.

Posted by a Scum fan but my rebuttal is "I would love a team of Suarez - Nightmare for all!"
With the number of chances Suarez creates in front of goal I think an RVN or a young Owen would be well into double figures by now - and hardly taken any of the chances that Luis has scored from.

Fixed it for you.

And therein lies the crux of the matter. Half of the chances Suarez gets are manufactured by him.
2 million. Better again. How on earth can a player who scored 15 goals from midfield in La Liga go for only 2million? Bargain.
2 million. Better again. How on earth can a player who scored 15 goals from midfield in La Liga go for only 2million? Bargain.
15 goals in a relegation threatened side too
Decent article on Suarez in the New York Times today:

The Striker Who Cried Wolf

The Premier League, like any form of sporting conflict prone to tribalism, has long been home to divisive figures — players who have been loved and loathed in roughly equal measure.


Paul Ellis/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images

Suárez has seven goals in 10 games, the second-best total in the Premier League this year.

But few have stirred such powerful and contrasting feelings in fans as has Luis Suárez, Liverpool’s Uruguayan forward, whose unique mix of skills and tumbles have guaranteed him a hero’s status among Liverpool supporters and made him a villain to just about everyone else who takes an interest in English soccer.

Suárez, who leads his team’s attack and is one of the elite players in the league, simply does not have the good fortune of being known and admired purely for his speed, balance, power and technique.

Instead, he is scorned as much as he is lauded, as his team’s recent game with its crosscity rival, Everton, made clear. The match, which ended in a 2-2 tie, provided a microcosm of everything — the good, the bad and the ugly — that makes Suárez such a talking point in English soccer and such a constant in headlines in the British news media.

In that game, Suárez created his team’s first goal, which he celebrated by running toward the Everton manager, David Moyes, and performing a theatrical dive right in front of him. It was a pointed response, and a somewhat clever one, to Moyes’s eve-of-game suggestion that Suárez routinely dives to the ground in an attempt to deceive referees into awarding free kicks and penalties. (Somewhat embarrassingly for Moyes, the only player to be given a yellow card for diving during the game against Liverpool was Everton’s captain, Phil Neville.)
Suárez then scored Liverpool’s second goal, before committing a cynical foul on Everton defender Sylvain Distin — he stepped on his foot — that had Moyes contending afterward that Suárez should have been given a red card and banished from the game. As it turned out, Suarez got a yellow card and played on.

Suárez was later seen picking up a coin that had been hurled from the stands and tucking it inside his boot. And, as is typically the case with Suárez, he was then involved in the most controversial moment of the match, showing superb awareness to score what should have been a dramatic last-minute goal to win the game only to see the linesman belatedly, and quite incorrectly accordingly to television replays, signal that Suárez had been offside, which nullified the goal.

Welcome to the world of Luis Alberto Suárez Díaz, where you can be the sinned-against and the sinner all in the space of 90-plus minutes of work. It is a narrative that is becoming impossible to escape: every week, opposing managers and fans seem to criticize him, either before, during or after a match in which he invariably produces either the sublime or the ridiculous — or both.

But while Moyes contends the diving antics of players like Suárez could drive fans away from soccer, the man who brought him to Europe six years ago has a very different view.

Ron Jans signed the 19-year-old Suárez for the Groningen club he coached in Holland. Suárez had been playing for Nacional in his homeland but was eager to move to Europe to be nearer to his childhood sweetheart, Sofia Balbi, who is now his wife and whose family had relocated from Montevideo to Barcelona.

“I think he is one of the players who make people want to go and watch a football match,” Jans said in a recent telephone interview. “He is a real winner, and while he sometimes does things I wouldn’t do to win a game, and I hope Luis himself realizes that sometimes it is too much, everything he does is geared toward winning.

“Perhaps I cannot judge Luis objectively, because I know him as not only a great player — the best I have worked with — but also as a great person,” Jans added. “I saw the dive he did in front of the manager from Everton and I thought, ‘This is great,’ because when you are criticized in the press, the best way to react is with a goal and with humor.”

The celebration bore similarities to a previous incident at Groningen. During an argument during practice, Jans threw an umbrella at Suárez, who, two weeks later, after scoring the goal that gave Groningen an unlikely 4-3 victory against Vitesse Arnhem, ran to the side of the field, picked up an umbrella and handed it to his amused coach.

But Jans is certainly not alone in finding it difficult to assess Suárez objectively — even if he speaks with an authority few others can — because soccer’s partisan nature, particularly in the intense environment of the Premier League, makes it hard to have calm discussions about Suárez.

His critics point to a lengthy rap sheet, which includes, but is by no means limited to, a calculated goal-line handball that allowed Uruguay to edge Ghana for a place in the semifinals of the 2010 World Cup; a seven-match ban for biting PSV Eindhoven’s Otman Bakkal while playing for Ajax in the Dutch league; an eight-match suspension and fine for being found to have racially abused Manchester United’s Patrice Evra, plus his subsequent refusal to shake Evra’s hand the next time the players met on the field.

In England, the invective that flows in Suárez’s direction from the stands can, in part, be traced back to the Evra incident and the way it was handled by the players, their clubs and the Premier League. But there are also the histrionics: his arguments with officials over whether he was fouled and the widespread perception that he often dives to make it seem he was tripped. Recently, the Stoke City manager, Tony Pulis, labeled Suárez “an embarrassment” after he took what appeared to a contrived tumble against Pulis’s team in an effort to draw a penalty kick.

Like the boy who cried wolf, the perception of Suárez as a diver has increasingly worked against him, even when he has been on the receiving end of clearly brutal tactics. In a 5-2 victory at Norwich City on Sept. 29, Suárez was virtually assaulted in the penalty area by defender Leon Barnett, yet no penalty was forthcoming. There has been, at times, a resignation among some Liverpool fans that Suárez could be taken out with a rifle by an opposing defender yet play would be allowed to continue because any number of referees have become wary of his tactics and of ruling in his favor.

Liverpool supporters also point to what they believe is a double standard, noting that on the day that Suárez was criticized for his none-too-subtle dive against Stoke, another elite player, Gareth Bale of Tottenham Hotspur, was guilty of an equally suspicious fall in a game against Aston Villa. Yet Bale escaped the ridicule and condemnation that Suárez received.

Jans made no attempt to defend aspects of Suárez’s behavior, but he offered a reminder that the only arena in which one hears criticism of Suárez is on the soccer field. There are no lurid tabloid tales of drunken debauchery involving Suárez, a family man who is regarded as quiet and even shy off the field. “You never hear from Luis some of the things you do” about other players, Jans said. “With Luis, it is always on the pitch; it is always when he is trying to win a match.”

Nevertheless, it is on the field where Suárez is ultimately judged, and for all his mesmerizing talent (despite regularly missing scoring chances, he remains behind only Robin van Persie of Manchester United on the Premier League’s list of top scorers this season), his actions have guaranteed that he now wears a bull’s-eye on his back.

The former Liverpool striker John Aldridge recently claimed that Suárez could be driven to leave English soccer because of “the media spotlight on him, the abuse he gets from away fans and the treatment he receives from officials.” Liverpool’s manager, Brendan Rodgers, has said he believes Suárez, whom he has compared favorably to Lionel Messi, is in love with the city and the club and will stick it out.

And in the past week or so, there have been subtle hints that the perception of Suárez is slowly — very slowly — beginning to turn in his favor. His celebration at Everton showed a humor he had not previously exhibited in England; the control, audacity and execution of his breathtaking equalizing goal against Newcastle United on Sunday again highlighted the quality of his play; and the red card handed to Fabricio Coloccini, the Newcastle captain, for a reckless, late foul on Suárez in that game suggested that the referees are willing to acknowledge that sometimes Suárez is indeed the victim, and not the villain.
Even if they don't the tension will be unbearable. Will he go? Will he stay? It'll be a fucking nightmare.
I don't agree with you fellas. I think Rodgers is right about the guy. He loves it here, is especially grateful for the support he got from the club and the fans when every other fecker in football and beyond was baying for his scalp, and will honour his contract.
If we got a massive bid from Barca JJ I think it would be hard for both club and player to turn it down.
He loved Ajax more and left them.

He'll go to Barca but hopefully not for another season or 2.
He didn't love Ajax more, Dreamy. He loved the fans but he wasn't happy with what he perceived as a lack of support from the club when he had disciplinary problems over there. That's in direct contrast to the way LFC stood up for him, and I'd stake a sizeable sum that we did so partly because of how things panned out at Ajax before. I happen to agree with Cerberus that a really humungous bid from Barca or whoever would be hard to turn down, but that's a very different matter from the player not honouring his contract.
I can't see Suarez being here for another 5 years unless we start competing for the top 4 regularly. And soon.
Wouldn't disagree with that as far as it goes, but I reckon Suarez will give Rodgers and the club time to get to that level. If he does go before his contract is up, it will be with the club's (reluctant) agreement, hence not a matter of the player welching on his contract.
2 million. Better again. How on earth can a player who scored 15 goals from midfield in La Liga go for only 2million? Bargain.

The minute somebody has a good game in the Champions League their price triples.
That's fine. In 3 years time he will be past his best, which was never any good to begin with.


Nah, Suarez will be past his best when we're good again. So we don't have to keep him if silly offers come in.
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